Need advice for my new pc.


Dec 10, 2015
Dear forum people,

Next week or so I am getting my new build gaming pc and I am looking for some advice.

Where do I need help with. Well to start off an decent paid virusscanner/firewall, I have been looking trough some and I am quite interrested in Bitdefender. There are lots of virus scanners and stuff to choose from. I just want one thats good and isn't heavy on my system. Then the second part, I want a program that keeps my pc clean and optimized ( For example Advancde system care which I never use again ) and something to keep my divers like up-to-date.

When I first start my pc up I let windows do all his updates ( Windows 10 ), restart it a few times to be sure every update is done propperly. I am letting a company build my pc since I can be quite clumsy, so is it smart to let pc decrapifier make a appearance?

From here I am not sure what actions to do more so if you people know something I wouldn't mind hearing it.

If you wonder what kinda of pc I am goin to get here is an list of my parts.

Power supply: CX750M,
DvD-burner SH-224FB,
850 EVO, 500 GB SSD
Memory: 32 GB DDR4-2400 Quad-Kit
Procesor: Core i5-6600K, 3,5 GHz (3,9 GHz Turbo Boost) 1151
Hard disk: Barracuda 7200.14, 1 TB
CPU-cooler: Hydro Series H90
Grafic card: STRIX-GTX980TI-DC3OC-6GD5
Case: Define R5 Black
Softwear: Windows 10 Pro
motherboard: MAXIMUS VIII HERO, socket 1151

If you help, thank you very much.

PS: My grammar lacks.
Tier 1 or tier 2 unit. Your wattage was fine for a single 980ti, if you ever think you will add another for SLI, I would bump up to at least 850w.

After your Win 10 install, you will want to install drivers. Always install graphics drivers, straight from Nvidia. The included drivers are always out of date. The Geforce experience tool will alert you of graphics driver updates. Typically, that is the only driver you really have to worry much about. I rarely upgrade any other drivers.
Well to start off the PC should be arriving today but I asked if they can make my loadout ( in case ) easy to replace or maintain ( buget for pc was 2200 euro ish ). So if indeed the PSU is lacking, what is preffered? The 32gb, yes its overkill but I builded it to be a bit future proof and might gone mad.

thx for the reply.
Tier 1 or tier 2 unit. Your wattage was fine for a single 980ti, if you ever think you will add another for SLI, I would bump up to at least 850w.

After your Win 10 install, you will want to install drivers. Always install graphics drivers, straight from Nvidia. The included drivers are always out of date. The Geforce experience tool will alert you of graphics driver updates. Typically, that is the only driver you really have to worry much about. I rarely upgrade any other drivers.