Recent content by Afromagnum

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    New Mobo keyboard and mouse not recognized by windows

    New mobo in old build Mobo: msi z97 g5 Keyboard: corsair k70(usb) Mouse: deathadder(usb) Title says it all. They're recognized in bios and sometimes in safe mode but that's it. I can't install new mobo drivers without my mouse and keyboard.
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    New Mobo(this vs that) tl;dr 90% sure mobo died and want input on which of the two you prefer/if you would recommend one that is compatible. I turned on my computer today and everything was good. I changed the input on my second monitor so it was actually my second monitor and not my...
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    Windows may not be genuine.

    Thanks, I found the place, but there is no blue box
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    Windows may not be genuine.

    I went control panel>system and security(only thing with "system" in its name) and I see no box.
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    Windows may not be genuine.

    My windows in genuine unless best buy sells computers with pirated versions of windows. They also don't give product codes to windows with their computers. vrumor is ignorant and @bgunner I dont see the blue box mainly because I dont know where to look.
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    Windows may not be genuine.

    Around two months ago, somewhere near the latter part of November, I had to delete a version of windows in order to install the new radeon omega drivers when they first came out. Now I was wondering if I'm able to update windows to the current update, and if so, how do I do it? My internet has...
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    AMD Driver Problems

    DDU didnt work at all. Any other fixes?
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    AMD Driver Problems

    I have Windows 7 64bit, and I have a Sapphire Tri-X R9 290 GPU, and I just installed the new drivers(14.12). After I restart, it says that the driver isn't installed or isn't functioning properly. I cant start AMD CCC. It says, "AMD CCC cannot be started. There are currently no setting that can...
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    Hyper 212 Evo

    I'm thinking about getting this, and I was wondering if it will hold itself up in my case, or would I have to put my case on its side? Probably a silly question but it looks very large and I think that the torque force it puts on a processor/motherboard will be damaging. I have a NZXT s340 and a...
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    General CPU Cooling Questions

    I have an i7 4790k with the stock heatsink with which I did the x method to spread the thermal paste. I have a NZXT s340 which has 2 140mm fans on the top-back of the case and the back-top of the case. I get idle temperatures of 32-42 Celsius. My first core runs around 5 degrees hotter than the...
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    High CPU Temperature

    I stress tested my i7 4790k. It has the stock heatsink and fan, and it was running at 90C on 100% load. Is this bad, and what could I do to fix it?
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    Which GPU and I using?

    I did that, and in dxdiag, it says Radeon r9 200 series. Should it say 290 or does "200 series" mean the same thing. It also only has 3794mb of approximate memory.
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    Which GPU and I using?

    I think I installed my sapphire tri-x 290 correctly. There was a 6 pin and and 8 pin on the GPU and I connected both of those to my PSU. The monitor cable is connected to the 290, but in dxdiag, under video, it says I am running Standard VGA Graphics adapter. I think it's working because I'm...
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    Sapphire Tri-X r290

    It has a 6pin and and 8(6+2 maybe?), but there is also a lot on the motherboard that says PCIE1-PWR, and I'm not sure if I have to connect the GPU to that, or do both of the ports on the GPU connect to the PSU?
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    Sapphire Tri-X r290

    I am pretty lost as how to install this graphics card. This is my first build and from all the videos I've seen on computer builds, I haven't seen a GPU with this many things to connect. I have the GPU mentioned in the title, an ASRock z97 extreme 4 mobo, and the 600w semi modular bronze rated...