Recent content by alargefailure

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    Would a VGA to Display Port work then?
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    I've recently bought a new monitor, i plan to have duel screens along side my HP Pavilion 24xw. The issue is that this new monitor needs a VGA connector and my GPU (GTX 1060 6GB) only supports Display Port, HDMI and DVI-D. Because my current monitor is connected to the HDMI port, i bought a...
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    Motherboard isn't getting past VGA test

    I recently got a motherboard bundle for my christmas gift, it included a ryzen 3 2200g, Gigabyte GA-AB350-Gaming 3 and 1 stick of 8gb corsair vengeance RAM. I installed windows 10 and it was working fine, the next morning I turned my PC on and it simply wasn't getting a display. I know the...