Recent content by AllaDZ

  1. A

    Should i wait to upgrade my pc, or should i do it now?

    So, should i wait? Im planning to buy this: Crucial 275gb SSD Intel i7 7700K CPU and its cooler GTX 1080 650W PSU Corsair CXM series Msi Pro series Intel z270 Sli atx motherboard I have an HTC Vive and do alot of gaming on it and on a 1080p monitor. I know a gtx 1080 is overkill for 1080p, but...
  2. A

    Looking to upgrade my pc, which parts should i upgrade? [Help]

    Hey there guys. This is my first post. So basically, as you read in the title, im looking to what i can upgrade on my pc. I have this exact pc: . Not the new version, the discontinued one. It basically has: -CPU...