Recent content by AnonymousOriginal

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    Recent errors with New Parts

    I have a corsair PSU coming in the mail but my current is 600w Corsair and my fan on my cpu hasnt moved since January
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    Recent Problems with New Parts

    My HDD is at 100% constantly without any games.
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    Recent Problems with New Parts

    Chrome intotal is taking up 300,000k With my System taking up 189,000k
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    Recent Problems with New Parts

    I think my Processor might be the one holding me back, Loading increased and overall performance decreased. With my CPU being 75c on idle 42% load.
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    Recent Problems with New Parts

    My HDD is 75% Full and I have a SSD to fall on.
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    Recent Problems with New Parts My PSU
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    Recent errors with New Parts

    Recently I bought a MSI R9 390, and currently I have a Corsair 600W, After a day my computer crashed while playing wow (not BSOD but black screen like a power outage.). I became worried restarted and now I have computer lag on Google Chrome, longer loads on WoW, and increase boot up time. A 850W...
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    Recent Problems with New Parts

    Recently I bought a R9 390 by MSI with still containing a 600W psu (Yeah I didnt think this one through thats why I bought a 850W psu.). And recently playing WoW my computer crashed (not overheated) and I'm deeply concerned and at this time the new power supply has not arrived. I was wondering...
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    GTX 1080/70 and my CPU

    Will my I5 4590 bottleneck the new 1080 or 1070? I also have a 650w corsair psu and im wondering if I need to change.
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    Fullscreen Windowed not filling Screen

    Ever since I OC my resolution with NVIDIA from 1680x1050 to 1920x1080p so when ever I go to fullscreen windowed its cut off or fullscreen only shows 1680x1050. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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    Hows my build?

    But yeah I agree about waiting
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    Hows my build?

    I have Hard drives w/ ssd so I dont need the HDs
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    Hows my build?

    So i'm 16 and about to get a job and decided for my goal I am gonna get a new computer, how does it look. Trying to shoot for something future proof and most likely gonna wait for new cards/cpu to come out. Thanks
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    Intel $700-$780 build

    With the recent Graphic cards coming out I want to get a $700-760 build with Intel cpu and nvidia gpu exclude OS and Hard drive but needs enough cooling for long hours.