Recent content by aod626

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    Question How open ports on FiOS router

    I have frontier FiOS router which is Arris NVG468MQ where im confused is at where it says global port range and has two boxes, and on the bottom it has local base port one box. Do I have to fill this out for one port or do I have to fill one out for all the ports im trying to open?
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    [SOLVED] How do I fix issue with monitor showing as generic monitor?

    I have Dell dimensions 9150/xps 400 im connected with vga cable onto my Asus vg245h. i tried updating it and uninstalling it and I still can't figure how to fix it im running on Windows 10 pro.
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    Question My portable air conditioner display doesn't work

    To be honest im not sure a friend gave it to me and she said it works but can't see display but when you push the buttons you hear the beep except the power button
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    Question My portable air conditioner display doesn't work

    I have a LG LP0910WNRY2 and the led display does not work but the air conditioner turns on and works pretty good what can the problem be and Everytime I plug in the power cord to the outlet it automatically turns on.
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    [SOLVED] Dualshock 4 Right analog stick

    How can I fix my dualshock 4 controller I've only had it for 4 months and when im playing call of duty games my aim moves slowly to the left and currently it has gotten worse how can I fix it without buying new one?
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    Question My PC won't turn on

    I got dell 9150 I was cleaning the inside with air compressor. because my computer fan would run really loud. When I connected it back up I pressed power button, it turned on but immediately turned off and I noticed on the back of the PC where the Ethernet port is located was blinking green...
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    Port forwarding help

    Trying to port forward ports for my PlayStation 4 when it says 3478-3480 on external port do I put 3478 and internal port 3480? And also should I have upnp IGD enabled or disabled?
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    help with my PlayStation 4 lag

    if you play cod then you know what im talking about if i leave the game everyone gets message on screen saying host migration and it chooses new host but if i get timed out it kicks everyone in lobby out saying connection timed out
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    help with my PlayStation 4 lag

    i understand that but ill be hosting lobby and its seems like im second behind kill cam shows different from what my screen shows i hit player maybe three times and kill cam shows not one bullet was fired and at times ill get connection timed out and kicks everyone from the match
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    help with my PlayStation 4 lag

    im having lag issues with ps4 its connected wired (cat7 flat cable 7feet) im using sbg 6580 and recently got netgear r6250 and im having good speeds but it just doesnt seem right my bullets are like second behind im playing cod remastered and my nat type is open. ps4 on dmz and im playing...
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    why do i experience lag?

    i experience lag most of the day even late at night(10pm-3am) when its suppose to be lag free but thats not the case.i have my own arris sbg6580 in my network. tv/monitor coby led 2326 TV its only two devices connected to it but when im gaming online i turn my phone off so its my ps4 only...
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    Wired PlayStation 4 problems

    PS4 SLIM (month old) 1. PS4 Ethernet cable – cat 6 2. MODEM/COMBO- ARRIS SBG6580 A. Network – only two devices my phone and my ps4 B. Isp – spectrum (100/10Mb) 3. COBY LED 2326 • My questions: what’s best settings for my modem combo ? For my ps4? 1. Does router settings effect lan...
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    Is there a way to tweak wired connection ?

    I'm asking if the settings on router only for wireless devices? And I have maybe 9 wireless devices connected to my router
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    Is there a way to tweak wired connection ?

    I have Arris sbg 6580, My ISP is spectrum, currently got 100Mb /10Mb plan and using cat6 Ethernet cable onto my ps4.i want more bandwidth onto the ps4 is this possible? don't care really about wireless devices what settings can I change to maximize speed to my ps4?
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    arris sbg6580 help!!

    Hello, my speed connection was crap lately so i tried to power cycle modem that didn't help. so i chatted with support to hopefully refresh signals. well the tech support on chat room asked me if modem on a power surge and it was so he asked me to disconnect it and connect it to power outlet...