help with my PlayStation 4 lag


Nov 14, 2016
im having lag issues with ps4 its connected wired (cat7 flat cable 7feet) im using sbg 6580 and recently got netgear r6250 and im having good speeds but it just doesnt seem right my bullets are like second behind im playing cod remastered and my nat type is open. ps4 on dmz and im playing on coby led2326 tv/ monitor 23" my isp is spectrum 100/10mb and only ps4 connected and phone but when i play online i turn my wifi off on my phone and still lag is it my modem and router ? i also tried disabling napt mode and only difference i notice i get nat type is 1 still experience lagg i have ps4 wire connected on the sbg 6580 should i connect it to the netgear?
i understand that but ill be hosting lobby and its seems like im second behind kill cam shows different from what my screen shows i hit player maybe three times and kill cam shows not one bullet was fired and at times ill get connection timed out and kicks everyone from the match
if you play cod then you know what im talking about if i leave the game everyone gets message on screen saying host migration and it chooses new host but if i get timed out it kicks everyone in lobby out saying connection timed out