Recent content by Arch_Angelos

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    Gift Guide for the Hardcore PC Gamer

    A GTX 1070 Ti woud be a great gift!
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    Am i Getting Dossed?

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    Am i Getting Dossed?

    Just restart your whole pc and see what happens, run your anti-virus if you think something has really been downloaded onto your system.
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    1080 Ti and Ryzen 7 Giveaway!

    Aye! I need a new GPU and PSU lets gooooo!
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    Mass Effect Andromeda Performance Review

    In the conclusion why didn't you mention the GTX 970 along side the RX 480 and GTX 1060 3gb at being capable at playing the game at 1080p on high preset? I just find that strange, since you tested it and talked about it on the test page and lets not forget that it actually performs better(max...
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    AMD Ryzen 7 1800X CPU Review

    The gaming performance is underwhelming but at least it all seems to be software based, which means that if devs are willing they can make Ryzen work as well as Intel cpus with their games.
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    Nvidia Announces GeForce GTX 1080 Ti; $700, Coming Next Week

    Ive basically already bought this card, price is on point for the specs.
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    I7-4790 (non-K) overheating to 100 Degree Immediately after some CPU load.

    I have the exact same CPU and I hadn't until recently played any demanding games like overwatch but I got the division and a new GPU(MSI GTX 970) and boom the temperature skyrockets to over 80c getting all the way to 91c at one point. I was still using the stock cooler but I bought myself a...