So I just recently got a 5800x and I cant get any sort of display to show up when its connected.
when i was installing it I i got thermal paste on my fingers and when i was touching the cpu i got thermal paste on the pins, would this make the cpu not work?
Also I know on amd mobo's there is a...
im going to try it but i should also mention that everytime a change a graphical setting in warzone my game crashes i dont know if that means anything but just figured id mention it
So I have a 3070 and a 3800x when and I dont know what the problem is but my frames are really low.
Im running a 1440p 240hz, monitor the game that im having the most trouble with is Warzone on all low settings except for anti aliasing and texture quality which are the highest they go, im only...
Update: I was able to get my fans to work again but they only spin when msi after burner is running this has never happened to me before does anybody know a fix for this?