[SOLVED] Low frames on Warzone with a 3070

Austin Urbanski

Mar 18, 2019
So I have a 3070 and a 3800x when and I dont know what the problem is but my frames are really low.

Im running a 1440p 240hz, monitor the game that im having the most trouble with is Warzone on all low settings except for anti aliasing and texture quality which are the highest they go, im only getting around 60-90 frames. I have looked at other peoples benchmarks and mine are not even close considering the other benchmarks are running all high settings at the same quality and getting 130-150 fps

at first i thought it was because of my cpu which was getting pretty hot considering i have it water cooled and im using the corsair h100i rgb platinum se version at idle it was high 40's and in games it would get high 50's mid 60's which was weird for me because when i had my i7 9700k a while ago it was much cooler than and it was water cooled as well, so I reapplied thermal paste and was able to get it a bit cooler but still getting hotter than what im used to but my frames are still amazingly low.

And yes my GPU has the latest drivers installed I have no idea what to do does anyone know what might be causing my low frames also no i dont have ray tracing enabled in warzone either I feel like in all my games my frames are lower than they should be but in warzone its hard to play at times.

If you know anything that might help then let me know because I dont know what else to do.
Ddr4 ram is default 2133MHz. That's factory out of the box. If you buy a 3200MHz kit, it's still 2133MHz, but has the ability to run stable at 3200MHz. To enable that higher speed requires you as a user to go into bios and enable XMP (eXtreme Memory Profile). Intel patented that name and moniker, so other people can call it DOCP or A-XMP etc, but it's the same thing realistically.

4.4GHz is a turbo setting. You'll get 4.9GHz for single core turbo, 4.4GHz for all cores. The drop in speeds is for thermal reasons, the cpu is trying to protect itself.
What's your PSU?
That could be it if your cpu combined with your gpu is too much for the psu.
Also thermal wise, check out the fan speed settings on your radiator using icue. Mine were set to quiet unbeknownst to me, setting it to balanced made my case shovel air out at a much faster rate.
So I have a 3070 and a 3800x when and I dont know what the problem is but my frames are really low.

Im running a 1440p 240hz, monitor the game that im having the most trouble with is Warzone on all low settings except for anti aliasing and texture quality which are the highest they go, im only getting around 60-90 frames. I have looked at other peoples benchmarks and mine are not even close considering the other benchmarks are running all high settings at the same quality and getting 130-150 fps

at first i thought it was because of my cpu which was getting pretty hot considering i have it water cooled and im using the corsair h100i rgb platinum se version at idle it was high 40's and in games it would get high 50's mid 60's which was weird for me because when i had my i7 9700k a while ago it was much cooler than and it was water cooled as well, so I reapplied thermal paste and was able to get it a bit cooler but still getting hotter than what im used to but my frames are still amazingly low.

And yes my GPU has the latest drivers installed I have no idea what to do does anyone know what might be causing my low frames also no i dont have ray tracing enabled in warzone either I feel like in all my games my frames are lower than they should be but in warzone its hard to play at times.

If you know anything that might help then let me know because I dont know what else to do.
Back off the AA a bit and see if that helps. I'm betting it will.
If it only happens in Warzone and no other games, then the problem lies in Warzone itself... it's not unusual for an update to break stuff. You might have to wait for a patch.

Unlike your old 9700K, the 3800X and 3070 are temperature sensitive; their core clocks are affected by operating thermals. Better cooling leads to higher sustained frequencies.
The 9700K will run the same frequencies, even if it were 5C away from the thermal limit.
Fps is from the cpu. The gpu either lives upto that number or fails. The 3070 is strong enough it shouldn't fail, even at 1440p.

So crank the settings to ultra. Then turn all cpu bound settings like viewing distance to low, there's usually only 2 or 3..

What does that do to fps. If fps really didn't change much, then the issue is with the cpu, it's not kicking out the frames. If the fps tanks, the issue is with the gpu, it's not rendering the frames the cpu sends it.
Fps is from the cpu. The gpu either lives upto that number or fails. The 3070 is strong enough it shouldn't fail, even at 1440p.

So crank the settings to ultra. Then turn all cpu bound settings like viewing distance to low, there's usually only 2 or 3..

What does that do to fps. If fps really didn't change much, then the issue is with the cpu, it's not kicking out the frames. If the fps tanks, the issue is with the gpu, it's not rendering the frames the cpu sends it.
i ll try that but when in game and looking at the cpu usage is at 50-60% and gpu is at 98%
Fps is from the cpu. The gpu either lives upto that number or fails. The 3070 is strong enough it shouldn't fail, even at 1440p.

So crank the settings to ultra. Then turn all cpu bound settings like viewing distance to low, there's usually only 2 or 3..

What does that do to fps. If fps really didn't change much, then the issue is with the cpu, it's not kicking out the frames. If the fps tanks, the issue is with the gpu, it's not rendering the frames the cpu sends it.
I dont really know what is more cpu bound so i just cranked everything up and saw basically no performance hit it was all the same
Usage isn't how much of the cpu is used, but how much resources it uses to get the job done. It's be a mixture of cores, bandwidth, speeds, power, etc etc etc. For instance, if you were to tap a nail into drywall you'd use every bit of skill (not to hit your hand), every muscle in your hand, wrist, forearm (to hold the hammer and swing it under control) but you'd definitely not use 100% of the strength you are capable of. That's usage. Use enough to get the job done.

Are you using GeForce Experience? Is it possible you've set a 4k DSR or trying to run Raytracing? 98% gpu is a lot for a 3070 at 1440p.

Since fps didn't change much with the settings, then you should be looking to the cpu as the culprit. That could be anything from slow ram, outdated/old audio or Lan drivers, registry conflicts, excessive single core temps (as opposed to the standard all-in-one temp reading), low voltages on cores, slow core speeds etc.

Run HWInfo (sensors only) as that'll give a comprehensive exam of just what's happening in the pc.
Usage isn't how much of the cpu is used, but how much resources it uses to get the job done. It's be a mixture of cores, bandwidth, speeds, power, etc etc etc. For instance, if you were to tap a nail into drywall you'd use every bit of skill (not to hit your hand), every muscle in your hand, wrist, forearm (to hold the hammer and swing it under control) but you'd definitely not use 100% of the strength you are capable of. That's usage. Use enough to get the job done.

Are you using GeForce Experience? Is it possible you've set a 4k DSR or trying to run Raytracing? 98% gpu is a lot for a 3070 at 1440p.

Since fps didn't change much with the settings, then you should be looking to the cpu as the culprit. That could be anything from slow ram, outdated/old audio or Lan drivers, registry conflicts, excessive single core temps (as opposed to the standard all-in-one temp reading), low voltages on cores, slow core speeds etc.

Run HWInfo (sensors only) as that'll give a comprehensive exam of just what's happening in the pc.
ok so i downloaded HWI info and its showing that the maximum voltage hit was 1.475 v and the maximum clock hit was 4.4 ghz
Ddr4 ram is default 2133MHz. That's factory out of the box. If you buy a 3200MHz kit, it's still 2133MHz, but has the ability to run stable at 3200MHz. To enable that higher speed requires you as a user to go into bios and enable XMP (eXtreme Memory Profile). Intel patented that name and moniker, so other people can call it DOCP or A-XMP etc, but it's the same thing realistically.

4.4GHz is a turbo setting. You'll get 4.9GHz for single core turbo, 4.4GHz for all cores. The drop in speeds is for thermal reasons, the cpu is trying to protect itself.