Recent content by BaddieMcBad

  1. B

    Some prime95 Q's.

    Hey guys, I'm going to be overclocking my 3570k pretty soon but I'm having lots of trouble finding any information about prime95 other than, "It's the most popular stress testing tool", so I have a few questions about it. A. What version to install (eg: 27.x)? I have 64 bit windows 7 B. How...
  2. B

    Will this short the motherboard?

    Hey guys, I have an antec sonata III case, and it has no motherboard cutout in the back. If I put a backplate ( for a CM hyper 212 evo) on the motherboard and it makes contact with the case, will it short out the board? Thanks.
  3. B

    On board audio driver.

  4. B

    On board audio driver.

    But if I haven't installed this driver, how am I getting sound from my speakers? Can there be a conflict issue if I just installed this driver?
  5. B

    On board audio driver.

    Hey guys, I have this motherboard: I can't remember if I installed the audio driver or not. The analogue speakers connected to the rear of my case produce sound just fine, but when I go to my device manager, the only audio drivers listed are...
  6. B

    Overclocking on this motherboard.

    I'd like some more opinions (nothing personal, I just want a general consensus). Also what's the max voltage you think I should push?
  7. B

    Overclocking on this motherboard.

    So I should be fine but I shouldn't push the voltage too hard?
  8. B

    Overclocking on this motherboard.

    Hey guys, I have an i5-3570k on this motherboard: I've read some bad things about OC'ing on cheap mobo's (something something VRM cooling), so I wanted to run it by you guys before I attempt it. Thanks!
  9. B

    Did I destroy my graphics card?

    It's not still OC'd, I was at factory default (1050/1250) when this happened. And heating wasn't an issue with this card. I want to say this is one of the best cooled 7870's you can get. I've never broken 75 degrees C at any speed. When I crashed from cryengine 3 SDK like I described in the OP...
  10. B

    Did I destroy my graphics card?

    Hey guys, I have a HD 7870 Ghz edition Exact model: So I messed around with some OC settings on my GPU, and managed a stable 1150/1350 on stock voltage, but I didn't really have a need to OC yet, so I dialed the clocks down to...
  11. B

    Safe temperature for i5-3570k?

    Thanks man!
  12. B

    Safe temperature for i5-3570k?

    Hey guys I plan on getting a hyper212 evo and OCing my 3570k. I know that every chip is different when it come to frequency vs heat, but what is a safe operating temperature? Running prime95, at what temperature should I stop the test and dial back my OC/voltage?
  13. B

    Overclocking my graphics card.

    Also, Thank you very much for walking me through this! I appreciate it!
  14. B

    Overclocking my graphics card.

    Ah, I see. Well, that will have to wait because I'm still on the stock intel cooler. Can you recommend a good cooler for <$50?