Featured content by Balaam

  1. B

    How to Get the Institute Ending in Fallout 4

    The ending for the institute is probably one of the best outcomes in the entire game. Read on to find out how you get this ending! Step 1) Find Father. Father is the leader of the Synths, and also the sole survivor's son. You'll first meet...
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    Overwatch Hero Guide – Mei

    Mei is devastating at close range with her freeze guns, and if used effectively, she can make entire teams rage and want to just get the match over with so they can move on to the next. So let's go over his abilities and how to use them, so that you...
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    How to Wall Run in Overwatch

    There are a few different heroes who can either run straight up walls, or in the case of Lucio, along them. Here's how! Step 1)Pick a champ who can do it. The champions who can wall run in any form are Genji, Hanso, and Lucio, pick any one of...
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    How To Equip and Use Spray in Overwatch

    You've probably seen other people use these on the door when you are waiting for a match to start. Sprays can be a fun way of showing off a bit, and all of the heroes have a number of their own unique sprays. [b]Step 1)Earn or unlock the spray of...
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    How To Emote in Overwatch

    Each character has their own custom emotes unique to the character, but how do you use them you ask? Well, here's how. Step 1)Unlock the emote of your choice. First, you need to unlock the emote for the character, this can be done in two ways...
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    How To Beat Reaper in Overwatch

    Reaper can be absolutely devastating with his shotguns if he gets the drop on any character up close. There is no real way to pick a champ specifically to counter him either, if he sneaks up on you, there's a good chance you are dead if you aren't...
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    Overwatch Hero Guide – Reinhardt

    Reinhardt is the toughest tank in the game, with high health and armor, and the benefit of getting to hide behind a force field shield that can take a massive beating. He is by far one of the most fun tanks to play when done right, so let's get down to...
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    How To Mute Players in Overwatch

    Overwatch has a built in voice chat, so that any match you get into you are automatically thrown into the chat with your team. This is a great feature for coordinating with your team and relaying information, like if you are playing someone like Genji...
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    Overwatch Hero Guide - Mercy

    Mercy is probably one of the easiest healers to play, and is an asset to have on your team. If you have terrible aim, but still want to play Overwatch and help your team, Mercy is an excellent choice! Angelic Decent (passive) Mercy will...
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    Overwatch Hero Guide – Zarya

    Zarya is probably one of the harder tanks to pick up and play, as she's also the tank with the lowest health pool to play with, and her shield doesn't last very long. To offset this, she can also manage to output a pretty decent amount of damage as...
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    How To Join a Friend’s Game in Overwatch

    How To Join a Friend’s Game in Overwatch Overwatch is best played with friends, and here's how you can join people on your friends list in their games! Step 1)Go to your social panel in game. This can be opened by pressing 'o' as the default...
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    How To Add Friends In Overwatch

    Playing with friends is just plain better than playing by yourself. For one, you get a bonus to the experience earned for each game when you play in a group! But how do you add those friends in order to group up with them you ask? Well, here's how...
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    Overwatch Hero Guide – Lucio

    Lucio is basically a DJ who both heals and hurts through sound. Like Justin Beiber meets therapeutic jazz or something. With a dash of Lady Gaga mixed in because some of those skins are pretty out there for Lucio. He's a lot of fun though, a bit of a...
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    How to heal in Overwatch

    Keeping that health bar from hitting zero is pretty important, so how do you manage to bring it back up to full while in the thick of things? Let me show you how. Step 1)Find or be a healer. Your team should always have at least one healer...
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    Overwatch Hero Guide – Winston

    Want to play a super intelligent ape with glasses? Or maybe just looking for a hero to play where you don't have to be any good at aiming. Either way, Winston is for you! Read on to see what he can do. Tesla Cannon This is Winston's main attack...