Recent content by basroil

  1. basroil

    SilverStone SFX Series SX700-LPT PSU Review

    I looked at the internals first, and from that assumed this thing would be an utter mess. Surprisingly it's only a mess... If it was rated as a 550W unit I would have just said the holdup time was disappointing, but as a 700W rated unit this thing goes in the junk list. And seriously, what...
  2. basroil

    System restarts while playing games

    Probably still just your PSU. Test the GPU somewhere else (friend, etc) and if it works fine then it's 100% your below low end PSU
  3. basroil

    I need a Size restricted GPU

    >>Hello, Yes. I've searched the page, the post choice I'd like to change and searched for help on changing my choice, no luck at all. Perhaps too much time has passed. This is definitely something the site owners/operators could make some improvements too. As per the original poster's request...
  4. basroil

    PC Closing while playing games

  5. basroil

    Do 8-pin to 6+2 X 2 PCIE VGA cables exist?

    Do they exist? Yes. Should you ever use them? Absolutely not. The 850G2 has enough 8pin PCIe (some in 6+2) to power two 1080s just fine
  6. basroil

    What games and FPS can I play at ultra settings ?

    You can probably play most games before 2013 with max settings at stable 60fps, but newer ones like Witcher 3 will not run at max settings and stable 60fps, but will likely run above 30fps