Recent content by BeanMcBeanerson

  1. B

    Question Computer black screen freezes during games (brand new rx570)

    PSU model is Corsair CP-9020097 VS Series 550W 80 PLUS
  2. B

    Question Computer black screen freezes during games (brand new rx570)

    PSU I’ll have to get back to you but it’s 550W GPU temps during league are maybe mid 60s and low 70s during CS CPU temps are around 60
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    Question Computer black screen freezes during games (brand new rx570)

    Build: ASRock 320M Ryzen 5 1500X RX 570 4GB 8GB RAM Whenever I play league, my computer will at random points freeze, then go to a black screen, before eventually returning to the game about 15 seconds later. This happens once every free games, or a few times a game. During this period, my...