Recent content by Bloodhound00

  1. Bloodhound00

    Gtx 780ti vs gtx 970

    which will be better for gaming it will be running with an i5 4590 cpu MSI GTX 970 GAMING Overclocked Edition 4GB or the GTX 780ti?
  2. Bloodhound00

    pc build help?

    thanx for your help
  3. Bloodhound00

    pc build help?

    i think ill take the Nzxt H230 mid tower case then
  4. Bloodhound00

    pc build help?

  5. Bloodhound00

    pc build help?

    Will this PSU be right for this system and will it fit in the case and on the GPU? PCPartPicker part list: CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.88 @ OutletPC) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H97-GAMING 3 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard Memory: Corsair...
  6. Bloodhound00

    gtx graphic cards vs

    Go for the gtx 650
  7. Bloodhound00

    First Time Build core i3 core i5 just add your parts by newegg and look at prices will be more or less the same but it is 2 nice builds for gaming and moddern day to day work
  8. Bloodhound00

    gtx graphic cards vs

    ill go for the gtx 745 it have higher pixel rate, the gtx 650 have higher clock speed and have higher memory bandwith overall its not a huge difference but the gtx 745 is a bit better. My friend have a gtx 650ti and he can play shadow of mordar and ryse on medium to high graphics. you cant go...
  9. Bloodhound00

    Power supply help?

    ohk im from south africa and use can you maybe search for a PSU and let me know which one to choose
  10. Bloodhound00

    Power supply help?

    hi guys wil an Antec HCG-520M - 520W be good enough for my pc build? And when i buy the PSU does all the cables come with to connect to my GPU etc?
  11. Bloodhound00

    help on memory plz.

  12. Bloodhound00

    help on memory plz.

    i have Asrock H97 pro4 Motherboard and want to buy Ram is 1600mhz with 9 latency better than 10 latency im confused with the latency subject any info would be aprecciated. The higher the latency on ram is better or the lower latency is better?
  13. Bloodhound00

    Looking for help picking out parts for a new pc

    there is a lot of cases for choosing the right one, fans, space etc i personally like the Nzxt phantom full tower
  14. Bloodhound00

    looking for the best graphics card for about 300$ canadian

    my mistake for that sorry tho
  15. Bloodhound00

    Looking for help picking out parts for a new pc

    lol sorry mate didn't looked at that one! and change the PSU to a XFX XTR 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX