Recent content by Bobmahjingle

  1. Bobmahjingle

    Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Goat Simulator!

    It's a no brainer Gta V Reign of kings KSP Please give us these games and Gaben will reward you
  2. Bobmahjingle

    Coolers help please

  3. Bobmahjingle

    Coolers help please

    I am building a mini itx in the thermalake core v1 and im not sure wether until i get water cooling i should go with the noctua nh l9x65 or the cooler master hyper tx3 evo to cool my i5 4690k help pls
  4. Bobmahjingle

    Please help a noob with some key choices for a VERY high end gaming rig

    for your second question go with an asus x99 deluxe. its awesome and for "some" more $$$ you can get the model with usb 3.1 which is "supposedly" 10 times faster then usb 3.0. it also comes with a pci e ssd adaptor:) For ram id recommend getting corsair dominator ram cause its ddr4 and really...
  5. Bobmahjingle

    very bad FPS on high end gaming rig

    do u keep ur games on the external hard drive?
  6. Bobmahjingle

    140 mm rad

  7. Bobmahjingle

    140 mm rad

    can i use a 140mm rad for my custom water cooled loop in my thermaltake core v1
  8. Bobmahjingle

    Can the z87 chipset overclock my i5 4690k

    Question says it all
  9. Bobmahjingle

    Is the hyper 212 evo enough for overclocking my i5 4690k?

    Title asks and do i need water cooling?
  10. Bobmahjingle

    i5 and ugrade in future or pentium g3258 and gtx 960

    title asks it and the i5 only option would be cheaper
  11. Bobmahjingle

    Can i use 720p monitor to play games

    i need to wait until my borthday and i'm unsure weather i should get a 1080p monitor over my 720p monitor or an i5 4760k and can u game at 720p
  12. Bobmahjingle

    r9 280 vs gtx 960