Recent content by BoondockSaint080

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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    so a couple of notes regarding userbenchmark before you actual look at them. it's actually been something i've been looking into strenuously in the last 24 hours, as well as unigine superposition benchmarks. My gpu is the pny variant for reference and does not breach the 80c threshold (well...
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    Although I'm far from an expert, I've been lead to believe that that's the case
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    So this benchmark actually indicates higher feamerates than what I'm referring to. 176hz is the bare minimum I should be getting but alas I'm getting a nearly 40% fps cut Edit: the sata ssd is for windows, the 970 evo plus for games, and wd 1tb is for anything I deem unworthy of ssd space.
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    Ram is being run at 3466mhz, the highest this motherboard will support. I'm currently waiting on eve to drop their spectrum line of monitors and will be getting the 4k version, which is why the 4k numbers I'm seeing using taa are so scary. It's supposed to be getting 176fps avg but I'm getting...
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    I realized I forgot the motherboard as soon as I locked my phone haha I'll add it shortly. As for the resolution, I clearly stated that the render resolution was 4k, the gpu usage maxed out, and the framerate clearly being gpu bound. Please read the whole post as the word 1440p being in the post...
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    I will be editing the pcpartpicker list in when I get a chance after work. I appreciate the response.
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    I get the impression you didn't fully read my post, as I clearly wrote that it was rendering at basically 4k. Also, the people I'm referring to aren't professional overclockers, but rather regular people who clocked everything stock. Though I wasn't referring to 1440p with my measly performance...
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    So I feel as though this response is beating a horse I preemptively shot point blank at the start, as I clearly stated that the cpu is not the issue and is completely capable of reaching 165+hz. This is also ironic as the quotes you used were specifically written to disparage someone from...
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    [SOLVED] RTX 3080 alarmingly low performance

    So I recently paired my rtx 3080 with my r5 3600 (no this is not a bottenecking situation) and fired up rainbow six siege (using vulkan, as it has the edge in performance after numerous optimizations). In 1440p maxed out, it maintains 165fps at around 75-95% gpu usage. This is alarming to me...
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    [SOLVED] Streaming performance changes game to game

    So i've recently taken on streaming and am having a massive issue. I've done a lot of research about the settings to avoid exactly this issue, and am flustered and frustrated to the point of not even wanting to stream as a result. My setup is an R5 3600, gtx 1660 super, 16bg 3600mhz ddr4 ram...
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    [SOLVED] ASUS Prime B450M stuck at 2133MHZ

    hello I tried multiple slots and the two that it has started working on is 2 and 4, but I don't believe that has anything to do with my specific issue. I saw that the DOCP was overclocking the cpu as well, so I turned on oc tuner and cranked the cpu to stock speeds, and it booted and runs fine...
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    [SOLVED] ASUS Prime B450M stuck at 2133MHZ

    I just built a pc. Some used and some new parts (i'll specify) ASUS PRIME B450M micro atx mobo (new) Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4 3600(new) Ryzen 3600(new) GTX 1060 6gb gigabyte windforce(old) evga 650W GQ gold psu(old) samsung 960 evo (old) I've tried enabling DOCP and it hasn't worked. i've...
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    Question Video Memory Leak

    It ran at around 40-60fps at 1440p when i had them running. They were actually pretty well optimized and i was really impressed. I can still run them, but they run at a lower framerate now, around 25-45, most likely because of the updates and their issues that are known throughout the...
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    Question Video Memory Leak

    Hey so just a disclaimer: I can build computers but i'm not too quick with the software, especially the inner workings of it, so if there are ANY tips, no matter how obvious they may seem, just plug them in for good measure so I can cover all the ground I can So I upgraded to my now GTX 1080...
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    Question Can i run two DIFFERENT gpu's and two instances of a game on ONE motherboard?

    A few people online have asked similar questions but no one has been able to definitively tell me if this specific instance is possible. I have a gtx 1080ti and a gtx1060. I have one pc and a ryzen 7 2700x @4.2ghz. 16bg of ram and multiple pci-e slots. An m.2 SSD is taking up pci-e lanes i'm...