Recent content by bossgamer1121

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    Help with $700-$800 build

    how long before 16gb of ram is absolutely necessary to game?
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    Help with $700-$800 build

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    Help with $700-$800 build

    how bout this PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600X 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor ($239.99 @ Newegg) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212X 82.9 CFM CPU Cooler ($34.99 @ Newegg) Motherboard: MSI - B450M PRO-VDH Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Newegg)...
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    Help with $700-$800 build

    Hello forums, i need help selecting components for my first real build, the budget i want to keep south of $750, all help is appreciated. (rgb will come later and is not a priority) i have a 500gb seagate barracuda hdd with wn10 (btw how easy/hard will it swap it to my new build?) games i will...
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    Will this build last while?

    Thanks for all the help I'll be going with the i5 build
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    Will this build last while?

    I'm thinking this or this
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    Will this build last while?

    I have a 500gb hhd in my current rig, how hard is it to swap windows to a ssd?
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    Will this build last while?

    so using modified version of your suggestions I got Kasper's $501.87 bmockeg's $505.54 Mine for reference $431.12
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    Will this build last while?

    Simple question, will it last, (if possible how long)? I'll be using for medium to heavy gaming @1080p. (minecraft, csgo, gta v). And some recording for youtube, possible streaming with obs too. My budget is $550 usd. Thanks in advance.
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    i5-650 or xeon x3440

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    i5-650 or xeon x3440

    So I have an Dell Optiplex 980 DT (middle-sized one), I want a gt 710 since tdp is 19w. will i5-650+gt 710 be good for medium gaming and editing youtube videos or should i get a xeon 3440+gt 710, i planning on getting a 305w psu (i know dell proprietary 24 pin) or should i getting new cpu, mobo...