Recent content by Carl Dun

  1. Carl Dun

    Does extending a disk decrease performance?

    I just bought a 3TB Seagate Internal HDD and after I checked it on Disk Management, I found out that it was split into 2.2TB and 756GB. After researching, I learned that my HDD is MBR by default and can only contain 2.2TB at max. I was fine with it since I thought I could just use the 2.2TB...
  2. Carl Dun

    Which FM2+ Motherboard between these 3 is the best?

    My CPU (or APU) is A6 7400k and was wondering what's the best motherboard as these three are the only available choices in my area (there are emaxx and biostar ones for $6 less but I've ruled them out) F2A68HM-DS2 ($53) F2A68HM-S1...
  3. Carl Dun

    A6 7400k vs A4 7300 for 720p Moderate Gaming and Browsing

    The g3258 costs like $66 here and since its selling point is its unlocked feature then it would surely be a waste of money as I am against overclocking and wouldn't it actually run a little slower since the g3250 has a higher stock clock rate? And I obviously know the a6 is better than the a4...
  4. Carl Dun

    A6 7400k vs A4 7300 for 720p Moderate Gaming and Browsing

    I'm creating a system mainly for league of legends and casual browsing w/ fb games and currently I have these 2 APUs in mind. I have no plan on acquiring a dedicated graphics card as I'm keeping costs at a minimum since this will only be used by my cousin during his stay in our house. $63 = A6...
  5. Carl Dun

    CPU & MOBO that can play league of legends under $100?

    Oh sorry didn't see the edit. Thank you
  6. Carl Dun

    CPU & MOBO that can play league of legends under $100?

    My cousin just came for a vacation for 3 months and I wanted to play league of legends with him. Is there any cpu & mobo combination under $100 that can play league of legends? The $100 budget is not for those two individually but as a whole (It's not $100 for cpu and $100 for mobo). I already...
  7. Carl Dun

    Which GTX 970 Should I buy?

    I guess I need the coolest and least noisy. Since I think the stock is enough to make me play on ultra 1080p? Size isn't much of an issue also since I've got a pretty big case.
  8. Carl Dun

    Which GTX 970 Should I buy?

    I'm currently looking to buy a GTX 970 to play on ultra 1080 and was wondering what is the best brand to buy? Money is definitely a factor so I compiled every gtx 970 available in the philippines that is available to me and made a chart to show them and their prices so you could determine which...
  9. Carl Dun

    Razer or Logitech Keyboard / Mouse kit

    Keyboard: Corsair K65/K70/K95 K65 = No numpad K70 = Standard keyboard layout K95 = 18 extra keys to customize (added on the left part of the keyboard) RGB = There's an RGB version of this keyboard (lighting effects and whatnot like the razer products with "chroma") A mouse on the other hand is...
  10. Carl Dun

    Wireless mouse without a USB receiver?

    Yep it does exist, it isn't better than the wireless with receiver though but YES it does exist. You could see a couple of bluetooth mouse here: Alternatively, I would consider buying a usb hub if you only have 1 port. The razer orochi is one...