A6 7400k vs A4 7300 for 720p Moderate Gaming and Browsing

Carl Dun

Mar 16, 2015
I'm creating a system mainly for league of legends and casual browsing w/ fb games and currently I have these 2 APUs in mind. I have no plan on acquiring a dedicated graphics card as I'm keeping costs at a minimum since this will only be used by my cousin during his stay in our house.

$63 = A6 7400k vs $41 = A4 7300

1. CPU Performance (I have no plans in overclocking since I live in a tropical country and it's very hot this time and I only plan to use the stock cooler)

A6 7400k (3.5GHz) vs A4 7300 (3.8GHz)


http://www.game-debate.com/cpu/index.php?pid=2204&pid2=2114&compare=apu-a4-7300-dual-core-vs-apu-a6-7400k-dual-core (This has some errors though as it stated that the A4 7300 is only 3.7GHz instead of 3.8 AND the A4 7300 having a 8370D GPU instead of 8470D)

2. GPU Performance (This will mainly be used for League of Legends, DOTA 2 and maybe online mmorpgs but not demanding games like crysis 3 since I already have my own rig that I use for gaming)



Is it worth it?
1. Is the extra CPU power of the a6 7400k worth the $22 difference?
2. Is the extra GPU power of the a6 7400k worth the $22 difference?
3. Will the A4 7300's CPU/GPU suffice the requirements of the user?
4. Will I have a significant improvement on dual channeling 2x2 4gb than 1x4 gb on these APUs? (a random question that popped it my mind)

I've looked into the Pentium G3250(costs around $52) and although despite its processing advantage over these APUs, its integrated gpu is very far behind. I intend to acquire a system that is balanced both between CPU/GPU and would rather choose a slightly/moderately lesser processing power than a significantly lesser GPU since I wouldn't be purchasing an integrated GPU.

If you building a system and cost is what your worried about then you probably get by with a cheaper one at walmart say 250 here in the states... There is a reason that the a 4 and a 6 is priced different and its because it is worth / better then the A4
The a 6 is faster you already know this the a 4 may not render the games as good as the a 6 the g3258 is a good cpu and yes it has the intel igu but for what your getting the hardware for the intel would be your better buy if you only stick to the games listed above....
The g3258 costs like $66 here and since its selling point is its unlocked feature then it would surely be a waste of money as I am against overclocking and wouldn't it actually run a little slower since the g3250 has a higher stock clock rate?

And I obviously know the a6 is better than the a4 but what I'm trying to find out is if the $22 difference actually make sense as I'm REALLY keeping costs at a MINIMUM.
If you do not intent to go for Dedicated Graphic card, go woth AMD A6 7400K. Its better than the A4 7300. Its also an unlocked processor meaning you will be able to over clock it if needed. Its worth the $20 difference. Besides, its integrated gpahic core is R5 series where as the A4 has R3 series.
If you building a system and cost is what your worried about then you probably get by with a cheaper one at walmart say 250 here in the states... There is a reason that the a 4 and a 6 is priced different and its because it is worth / better then the A4

Yeah that's kinda what I'm leaning into since its dedicated GPU is almost twice as better although at the same time I'm also vouching for the 7300 as I'm not wasting any feature since its locked as opposed to the 7400k wherein I'll always have this voice in my mind telling me that I payed for something I'm not fully utilizing. Truth be told I never overclocked on my life as I've had stock GPUs overheating and my i3 2400 reaching almost 55C with less than 20% usage and up to 75C on full load. That is how hot is it here so I'm really not taking any chances on overclocking unless I have a better cooler. My rig is already well ventilated although is still uses the stock coolers but those temps are just too high for me.

Touche, I do prefer the a6 since its GPU is significantly better and can even beat a gt 730 which costs more than it (at least in my country). What's just really holding me back is the idea of me not fully utilizing my processor's potential as I don't plan to overclock it but if I did do it, up to what clock rate would be safe WHILE using the stock cooler?

Thank You, I think I'll just have to test it myself as it would be the best option since my country's temperature and my casing's ventilation would determine the most appropriate overclocked speed. Oh and about the ram thing, would dual channeling be very beneficial? I've read somewhere that intel CPUs with dedicated GPU would have a slight improvement as opposed to an AMD APU which will have a better improvement compared to the former.