Recent content by coops1

  1. C

    1070ti Lower frames than i thought?

    What are the rest of you system specs? Is it possible that another component is holding it back?
  2. C

    [SOLVED] Can this psu power a rx470 8 fh4?

    Possibly, but I'd expect crashes more randomly, not just when under high load. You'll need to narrow it down so I'd still suggest trying a different PSU first as it's most likely the problem & easier to test that a different mobo / CPU.
  3. C

    [SOLVED] Can this psu power a rx470 8 fh4?

    Fair enough, I'd probably get a new PSU and see if that fixes things.
  4. C

    [SOLVED] Can this psu power a rx470 8 fh4?

    So it only crashes under heavy load, not randomly? It certainly sounds like a PSU issue - could you borrow your friend's PSU to check if it solves the problem before buying a new one?
  5. C

    [SOLVED] Can this psu power a rx470 8 fh4?

    Your current PSU is a bit old, but reviews suggest it's an "ok" but not great unit. It should be more than capable of powering your system. Sorry, I had assumed that it had died and that was why you were looking for a new one. Are you experiencing any problems with your current PSU / system?
  6. C

    [SOLVED] Can this psu power a rx470 8 fh4?

    Yea, the be quiet PSU is a good quality unit and 500w should be sufficient for your system.
  7. C

    [SOLVED] GPU and CPU not using full potential

    I think one factor could be your single channel ram, which hurts Ryzen perfoamce somewhat (a few charts here: Also having only 8gb will hurt a bit - what's your ram usage like in farcry? If you're maxed out and some data is being offloaded to the hard drive then...
  8. C

    [SOLVED] GPU and CPU not using full potential

    What are your system specs? And which games, settings and resolution are you using?
  9. C

    Graphics card not detected in bios, but working in other 3 units (from my friends)

    I think the OP is saying that his new PSU does not need the molex to 6pin adapter - that was used with his old PSU. The PSU and GPU worked when tested with a 3rd gen CPU in a computer store, but not a second gen one... I must admit I've never heard of this before but can't think the problem...
  10. C


    According to the manual ( they're all 6gbps ports, so it doesn't matter too much, though the manual states 6 ports - 4 are facing up and two facing sideways. If you're not reinstalling your OS, it's probably worth trying to leave the drive which...
  11. C

    EVGA CLC 120 not working right when connected to the CPU Fan header

    I have the CLC 240 and had a similar problem until I manually set the fan header which the cooler is plugged into to 100% in the bios - I could then change speed with the flow control software. That said, I run my pump at 2000 rpm as it's quieter and I don't need the extra cooling power.
  12. C

    [SOLVED] Computer is underperforming really hard

    What are your CPU temps like when running cinebench? It will throttle back from its boost clock (I think 3.7ghz all cores, though I seem to remember my motherboard came with "multicore enhancement" enabled so that it boosted to 3.9 on all cores) if it gets too hot .
  13. C

    Silent PC for e-mail, youtube, etc.

    You could save 100 euros by buying a windows 10 key elsewhere? Everything else looks good though!
  14. C

    [SOLVED] ASRock X370 Killer SLI/ac BIOS update bricking motherboard

    Are you 100% sure that your motherboard was on an earlier bios version than 3.5? Your CPU is only supported from 4.5 on, so if you roll back to 3.5 it would no longer be supported, hence the lack of post...
  15. C

    Silent PC for e-mail, youtube, etc.

    A few comments on the parts - I'd be tempted to get the Ryzen 2200g (which comes with a pretty decent and quiet stock cooler), rather than a 200ge + 212 Evo - they should be about the same price give or take. I'd also get 2x 4gb sticks of ram, dual channel helps a lot with Ryzen performance...