Thank you for the reply! The case is a Fractal Design Meshify S2 and all of the fans are Noctua NF-F12's, except for the CPU cooler that I put in my original post. Two at the front are intakes while there's one at the back and another at the top for the exhaust fans. I see the temps spike but I...
Hello! I recently built myself a new rig after my old one from 2020 started to die on me. It was a 3700x paired with a 2070 super.
This new build has a 5700x3D and a 4070 super 12gb. Wanted to see if these CPU temps are fine in your guys opinions.
When it's idling, my CPU temps are around 35...
Alright, did as you said. It still stutters on DBD it seems but I tried Overwatch 2 and the temps were at 61 for the cpu, about 63 for the gpu. No stutters really at all. It just seems to be Dead by Daylight and other games because Overwatch 2 ran perfectly fine at 146fps with basically zero...
Okay, thank you! I’ll try it later tonight and update this thread when I do. I forgot to mention that I also have my CPU overclocked at around 4.2ghz with 1.26v and I’ve had that OC since 2020 when I built it. Again, I’ll do what you suggested and update this sometime tonight when I can. Cheers!
Hello there! Haven't been on here since around 2019. I've recently been encountering bad stutters in games, even when I'm not watching a Twitch stream or have anything else open apart from Discord. It never did this before. I've cleaned my PC today, I've ran a few tests, updated my drivers, the...
I've recently come across a strange issue involving my router and my PS4 slim.
Now, I have an Xbox and a PS4 slim. This only happens with the PS4, nothing else. Whenever the PS4 is plugged into the same extension as the router (my Xbox has always been plugged into the same extension as my...
I see. So, probably an error on HWmonitor's end then? It's weird, because it didn't show it when I was on my old cooler master PSU. But that one was less wats and generally worse. So, it didn't make sense to me is all. And I haven't changed anything with my GPU since then.
So, I've recently noticed that since upgrading my PSU and installing some new case fans, HWmonitor is now telling me that the reliable voltage limit is at 1 whenever I play something like Rainbow Six siege. My specs are an i7-7700 (turbo boosted), GTX 1060 6GB and my PSU is a Seasonic focus plus...
I recently got 2 case fans. One for intake, one for exhaust. Both work fine, but the intake one has a dodgy screw hole on the bottom right. It goes in, but it doesn't screw in tightly like it should. The other holes are fine though. Does this matter or should it be fine? Tried testing by trying...
Ah, thank you so much. I was just wary in case of it overheating or anything.
So, with those GPU and cpu temps, even though the thing is loud, could I get by with the stock fan for a while until I can get a new one? Thanks again
Hello, new here. I bought a pre-built (I'm not fantastic when it comes to building machines as I've never done it before. I plan to learn eventually, mind you) from ADMI on Amazon. It's an i7-7700 kaby lake (not the K, so can't overclock) with a GTX 1060 6GB. It comes with the stock intel fan...