Recent content by CrispyCreme90

  1. C

    [SOLVED] Help getting gpu to run off of PCIe x8 slot?

    Hey, so I have a gtx 1060 that's been running fine in the PCIe x8 slot as the only and gpu and suddenly it's been not displaying. Fans are running and onboard graphics work. Tried re-seating the gpu and going into bios and setting the primary graphics display to PCIe but it hasn't been working...
  2. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    Ok so I opened up the Power Supply and there was a loose piece. Idk what it was but it was like 3 pronged and black and it looked like part of it had melted... Yeah a new power supply is definitely what I need. Thanks again for the help guys!
  3. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    I actually checked on youtube and apparently my PSU has a 2pin fan header and a 120mm fan. So I was thinking maybe I could just use a 120 mm 2 pin case fan as a replacement. Would that work? Edit: Actually someone commented on youtube saying that isn't a standard 2pin. Bummer.
  4. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    Sorry I meant case fan. I have heard that opening up a power supply is dangerous even after it's off and unplugged. OK I'm willing to try it but I've never soldered anything before and don't have a kit. What I'm thinking might work in the mean time is just taping a case fan to the underside...
  5. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    How exactly would I use a cpu fan? Just power it and place it underneath? i have one or two extras laying around somewhere
  6. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    Mmk I'll probably go for the CX550 2017 model. In the mean time I guess I won't be gaming. Thanks a lot for the help guys!
  7. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    Just checked and no it is not working. Unless it doesn't spin when you just boot. Also there was a lot of dust when I first got the smell of burning plastic. But I cleaned the filter and hoped that would fix it. I think this is a case of neglect on my part. I didn't clean the filter often...
  8. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    Honestly under 75 or 80 USD but the cheaper the better.
  9. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    The entire rig shuts down abruptly and won't start up again for 5-10 minutes. I found out I could speed up the process by resetting the Bios switch but even that doesn't work for the first few minutes after crashing.
  10. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    Was it the bump in Wattage that fixed it or was your power supply failing? Edit: Do you have any PSU recommendations?
  11. C

    Question Possible Overheating or Failure With Power Supply

    I've been having complete PC crashes with no reboot while gaming after 5-10 minutes of gaming on my rig. Surfing the web and streaming video is fine and there aren't any hiccups there. It first happened shortly after I smelled a burning smell which I thought was coming from the oven (I was...