Recent content by cst1992

  1. cst1992

    Question Fake1050 Ti, please help with vbios, I can't get a refund ?

    This person has posted on TPU in their own name as well. Someone scammed them of 120 EUR for this fake card :/
  2. cst1992

    Question Ryzen CPU X - - - Corsair RAM instability issue ?

    I should add that this happens to me as well. The two RAM modules don't work on the A1 and B1 slots at 3600 MHz (manufacturer recommends A2 and B2). The system goes into a reboot loop, then safe mode with the modules running at 2666MHz (highest non-XMP frequency of these modules).
  3. cst1992

    Question Ryzen CPU X - - - Corsair RAM instability issue ?

    I'm having this same issue, but with LPX Corsair memory. I am not having any BSODs, but I am having system instabilities and random unexplained freezes. Do we still assume that it's the fault of the memory when memory testing does not reveal any errors? My memory is two of the same model (but...
  4. cst1992

    [SOLVED] Broken 1070Ti Fan blade

    Gluing it back on is a no-no. Fans spin too fast for it and there's really no guarantee it'll stay on for long anyway. TH did a review on the card you have and the fans are 87mm, which is certainly nonstandard(closest you can get is 92)...
  5. cst1992

    Building a good PC for Indian users - April 2014

    Hi everyone on Tom's! Mostly, we see PC builds centred on US markets, and since the general budget of those people is higher than Indian people, most of those builds go too expensive for us. Here is how to create a good PC for low, medium and high...
  6. cst1992

    Another Question About: GTX 770, 42 amps required on +12V Rail

    A 770 consumes 230 watts, so it must be having 1 6 pin and 1 8 pin connector. Each 6 pin provides 75 watts and each 8 pin provides 150 watts. Plus, the PCI-E slot provides 75 watts power to your card. If your power supply has 2 6+2-pin connectors, then you should be able to connect your card...
  7. cst1992

    Will an i5-4690 bottleneck the gtx 1070 which is said to be faster than the titan x? Do I need an i7?

    I have a stock 4690K and a GTX 970 and I have never experienced a sub-60 framerate.
  8. cst1992

    Why people call Nvidia Geforce GT 610 are terrible graphic card

    I now have my 4690K and 970, and I get 60FPS in any game at full res on my monitor(1080p). I know 4K is the new talk of the town, but 1080p looks pretty good for now.
  9. cst1992

    Will an i5-4690 bottleneck the gtx 1070 which is said to be faster than the titan x? Do I need an i7?

    A 4690 is pretty fast, the fastest Haswell stock i5 there is. I bet it can handle 2 980Ti's easily. In any case, a 4790 is not worth the extra money, especially because it's a locked processor.
  10. cst1992

    Tom's Hardware Member System Gallery

    Be careful, that thing might burn through the table! How did you make the PSU look like that? Looks incredibly sexy.
  11. cst1992

    Loud, Low-Profile SilverStone Nitrogon NT08-115X Designed To Replace Stock Intel CPU Cooler

    I use the LGA1150 Intel stock cooler. I don't have any problems with the cooler, and it's quiet. I don't think I need this.
  12. cst1992

    Pcie risers for gaming rig

    I doubt you'll get any replies, the person hasn't been here for the past 5 months. You should start a new thread. Or use PM and hope he responds.
  13. cst1992

    How can I tell if I have a 650 ti or a 650 ti boost?

    It's a 650Ti, not the Boost. It'll not have that SLI slot on the PCB that I was talking about.