Recent content by dantheman1447

  1. D

    Question Can I power an active hdmi cable with my gpu?

    Hmm, I found this 30m 2.0 hdmi cable from Lanberg that cost 60 usd, instead of the 89 usd from noerdic: Both cables look similar to me, probably from the same manufacturing plant in china. I'm just hoping they are just gonna work with a...
  2. D

    Question Can I power an active hdmi cable with my gpu?

    Hello! I was wondering about the power needs of active fibre optical hdmi cables. Specifically, can I just plug the active hdmi cable into my old gtx 1060 graphic card and then into my tv (KD-55XH9505)? Will that work fine? Or can the gpu not power the cable? The cable I was thinking about...
  3. D

    Question Noctua NH-U12DX i4 question

    According to Noctua they have successfully mounted the cooler on a ryzen 1600. But they don't state what motherboard or anything like that. But do I honestly need to worry? Or am I just being paranoid here lol :D
  4. D

    Question Noctua NH-U12DX i4 question

    I'm about to buy a used Noctua NH-U12DX i4 cooler and I was just wondering if I can put it on a regular am4 mobo without any issue? I already have an "am4 mounting kit" lying around; but do need to worry about anything else? No issues with the backplate or anything strange like that? This is an...
  5. D

    [SOLVED] Nvme and motherboard compatibility with ryzen 2200g

    Refs,35096.html Hmm, so I guess the 2200g is not part of that, for some reason I rly thought it was lol. That means the 2200g should handle the disk fine. Aight cool...
  6. D

    [SOLVED] Nvme and motherboard compatibility with ryzen 2200g

    I was pretty damn sure that the "G" models, aka the apu's were part of that. Hmm, let me double check lol.
  7. D

    [SOLVED] Nvme and motherboard compatibility with ryzen 2200g

    So does that mean ill get like half the speed out of it or something? How screwed am I? More importantly it will work right? I wont run into any weird compatibility issues or something? :D
  8. D

    Question Small case for regular ATX and GPU?

    Mby the Chieftec CI-01B ?
  9. D

    [SOLVED] Nvme and motherboard compatibility with ryzen 2200g

    G day. Was gonna pair a "Kingston A2000 M.2 500GB" drive with a "Gigabyte GA-B450M-S2H" mobo. I intend to use a "Ryzen 3 2200G" cpu for it. The thing is, in the mobo manual it states that: "Supports only M.2 SATA SSDs when using an AMD 7th Generation A-series or Athlon™ processor." So what...
  10. D

    [SOLVED] ASRock DeskMini A300 question

    Aight cool, ty Tailor!
  11. D

    [SOLVED] ASRock DeskMini A300 question

    I am about to buy a "ASRock DeskMini A300" See: A300 Series/index.asp And I was thinking about getting a cheap "Sigor IV PWM" cpu cooler for it. I intend to replace the fan with a 92mm Noctua later. See...
  12. D

    Change cpu on an asus U31SD laptop.

    Wasup guys. I have an old asus U31SD laptop that I use for streaming movies to my tv. And I'm wondering if it is possible to upgrade the i3 in it to an i5? See: The specs say they supported "Intel® Core™ i5 2410M Processor" at one point. I...
  13. D

    1600x volt question

    I ended up setting it to -0.080v That got me 1.34 volts. However I needed to disable "Core Performance Boost" and "Global C-state Control" Oc'ed it to 3.8ghz then I re-enabled "Global C-state Control"
  14. D

    1600x volt question

    My mobo is the GA-AB350-Gaming (not the GA-AB350-Gaming 3 mobo) This: And currently my cpu (Ryzen 5 1600x) is running at 1.4v. I want this lowered to 1.32v. What do I type in the dynamic vcore dvid setting? It uses this weird...