Recent content by DaPro_Skillz

  1. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] Can I use two mesh wifi systems at once?

    I used to have Google Home’s Wifi mesh system but I recently switched to Orbi. Orbi mesh points don‘t have ethernet ports and I was wondering if I could use Orbi and Google Home mesh systems at once. (I have Verizon FIOS 300mbps wifi, if you’re wondering)
  2. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Installation Media Not Working

    When I go into my BIOS, I have to add the USB as a boot device. It wants me to select which file on the USB to boot from. (picture in original post) Which one do I select?
  3. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Installation Media Not Working

    So I went on my Windows PC and download the Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool. I then ran it on my PNY 32gb NTFS USB flash drive. Once it was finished making it a bootable USB, I plugged it in to my laptop. How do I boot from it? Picture of BIOS
  4. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    Personally, I’m willing to take that risk because I haven’t had any bad experiences with them in the past.
  5. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    Are there any B550 ATX motherboards around the price range of the B450?
  6. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    The B550s are Micro ATX and the B450 I have is ATX. Are there any downsides to Micro ATX? Would I have to get a smaller GPU?
  7. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    FYI I updated the link to the list with all the advice everyone gave, especially you.
  8. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    Thanks so much. No matter how much research I do, there’s always a ton more lol
  9. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    I was following a build guide on YouTube but tweaked a bunch of stuff. Is that 24-pin PSU Sleeved Cable necessary or can I do without it? And also, if I don’t use it, will it just be a black cable? (It’s my first time building a PC)
  10. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    So the NVME drives are faster but the SATA ones are more reliable? I’m thinking I’ll go with an NVME SSD.
  11. DaPro_Skillz

    [SOLVED] I’m planning to build a PC in the near future and wanted some feedback on my list.

    I wanted to thank you for helping me with all that! I just had a bad day yesterday and downvoted it without really reading it, really sorry about that. Thanks for all that information!