Recent content by DCxtreme

  1. D

    Memory usage keeps going up to 67% and back to 24% continuously

    I noticed that my ram started going crazy without even having any apps open. It goes all the way up to 67% and falls back to 24%, and again, like a rollercoaster. It shows that windows defender is using most of it but, I'm not scanning or nothing with it, I even opened it to check it. Here is a...
  2. D

    Service Host: Local System (Network Restricted) High Disk Usage

    Hello, so Service Host: Local System (Network Restricted) process keeps using my disk very much 99% and I have no idea why, the problem is that it slow down my pc when it's doing it. Any ideas why is this happening?
  3. D

    Looking For Advice For This System

    Hello there, I'm building a pc and these are the components, could you tell me if they fit or not? Mobo: MSI B150M Mortar Motherboard CPU: Intel I5 6500 (non-K) RAM: 16GB HyperX ddr4@2166mhz/ Storage: Kingston UV400 120GB Sata III SSD WD Blue 1TB Sata III HDD GPU: Gigabyte GTX...
  4. D

    Does using (gaming) a laptop while charging reduce charging speed?

    So I was playing some games while my laptop was charging and I've noticed that it took much much longer to charge than windows estimated. Is this normal? Battery life while on battery is pretty okay I guess. The laptop is new I only had it for 2 days. Oh yes, and the battery is non removable.
  5. D

    Is it normal that battery takes more to charge from 99%-100% than windows estimation?

    Hi, so I had my laptop plugged in to charge but I've noticed that windows said it takes 1 minute to charge it from 99%-100%, but it actually took longer. Is this good or is this bad?