Recent content by deano1671

  1. D

    Corsair 760t case, dreaded optical stealth bay

    Hi I really need help I've built my pc and i have the corsair 760t case, but how do i install the optical drive into the stealth drive bay. I've looked online but cant really find anything. This is really doing my nut in :(
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    bf4 lag please help

  3. D

    bf4 lag please help

    hi i have a i7 4770 cpu G1 sniper z87 mb, haswell, os on ssd, bf4 on another ssd, gtx 770 sli, nzxt cooler for cpu, evga g2 850w psu and corsair 760t case with 9 140mm sp corsair fans, im getting 200fps constant but still feels laggy, or and 16gb ram at 18,888mhz
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    will my rig play armor3

    Hi i have a haswell i7 4770 and gtx770 and 16gb ram, will this play arma 3,, g1 killer z87 motherboard. And any reviews of the game most welcome, i love bf4
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    my next upgrade

    Thank you,so 1333 ghz ram is basically the same as 1600, in the respect it wouldn't make a big difference in gameing performance
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    my next upgrade

    Hi, so i had a gigerbyte mb and athlon x4 cpu, and a amd hd6500 gpu with 16 gb 13333 ram, ive upgraded to g1 sniper mb, haswell i7 3.5 ghz cpu and a gtx 770 gpu, i reused the ddr3 13333 16 gb ram, should i get another 8gb ram at 13333 ghz so i have 24gb or should i get 16gb of 1600ghz new ram...
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    upgrade and fps

    I thought it was cpu that made difference, because i had 770 with Athlon and i had to prioritise cpu for bf4 every game, but now with haswell i7 it runs great, no stuttering and constant 60 fps even in explosions, also jets fly alot smoother and seem faster, with the Athlon fps use to go up to...
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    upgrade and fps

    Hi, last night i upgraded my amd athlon x4 and fm2 mb to g1 sniper mb and i7 470k haswell cpu, i reformatted hdd en installed win 8.1 agen, i loaded all drivers and it works, i reloaded bf4 and it runs really smooth now as i also have a gtx770, which im saving for a seccond one to sli them, my...
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    useing a ssd for games

    Sorry for mistakes in grammer and spelling, it should be, delete the other os, not is that, lol thank you
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    useing a ssd for games

    Hi im upgrading my pc and was thinking of buying a 250 ssd to install os onto after hardware change, could i then install my old hdd and delete the other is of that in disc management, so i can use it as seccond storage hdd. Also does a ssd make a difference in bf4 or online games, upgrading to...
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    useing ssd as os storage

    Hi im upgrading my pc to i7 1150 Mb and cpu, so i can sli gtx 770, i have a hdd 1 tb at mo with win 8.1. I was thinking of buying a. 250 gb ssd and install os on that instead of formatting hdd because ive read boot up is alot quicker, once i have changed Mb and cpu and booted win 8.1 onto ssd...
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    useing old hhd as seccond hdd after format

    Noobs must be a real pain to you guys, but many thanks for your time, en if i can give feedbacks on yur responses i will
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    useing old hhd as seccond hdd after format

    So sorry if i sound a bit thick but i am a noob, so i change my motherboard cpu en psu and at the same remove oid hdd en replace with new one, insert win 8 disc boot install from that, once up and running with drivers plug in old hdd and format that one from actually in windows which is on new...
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    useing old hhd as seccond hdd after format

    Both make perfect sense thankyou, i just was hoping i didn't have to reinstall all games, i think ill just format my old hhd and reinstall windows 8 onto that from disc, and use the new one as seccond hhd, can i install new second hhd before i format and reinstall win on my old one, or have i...
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    useing old hhd as seccond hdd after format

    Sorry if i don't make sense and for spelling