Recent content by Dr_m.sharawi

  1. D

    Question 9900K , ASUS Strix vs MSI Ace

    With the Z390 ACE my 9900k was 5Ghz stable at ~ 1.300 VR out - V core was 1.360 at mode 3 LLC Now with the 4 phase ASUS z390 strix E I can’t get it stable event at 1.350 V core , i have followed most guides out there Disabled what needed to be disabled and enabled it to see if there is a...
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Actually it will work with any motherboard put you will need to make your own tubing and bends
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Yes sir I understand I am going to replace the loop after a year or so The radiator, pump , fittings , blocks , every thing I will just keep the waterway and delid my CPU However I’m still not sure if distilled water can damage my components even if I replaced it every couple of days I hope...
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Hello I am using asus z390 with that Lian li 011 So I don’t have to worry about VRM 😂 Actually there is the link where the product is offered...
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Thank you very much I will keep that in mind Put the issue here is ( is it safe to use only distilled water ) with this aluminum loop Even if I have to drain and refill every couple days to avoid galvanic corrosion and algae accumulation, just until I get my Coolant 😥
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Yes sir I have ordered the 4th one , I got suitable M.B for it too I hope someone can come with idea I have no problem refilling my system every couple days with purified water until I get a PRE-MIX Liquid
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Hello No coolant included in Lian li 011 EK fluid gaming case It just comes with the pre_build loop and tubing That’s why I was asking about temporary solution I already ordered primo Chill Put as EK cryo , I suspected if it can pass the customs to my country any way I feel sad a little
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Hello hope u having a good day Yes it’s the PowerSpec as in the link It’s tested on EK cryo fuel only Any way no matter how I do, I can’t get the EK cryo fuel at least not within the next few months So any ideas 😀 about using only purified water at the safest way
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    Question Aluminium and only Purified water ( distilled water)

    Hello I’m getting EK fluid gaming case So it’s all aluminum loop , I consider it as a start then I will move to copper ( change whole loop) at least the Aluminium parts So my question is ... Can I use only distilled water and change it every week or so ? Or will need to change it like every 3...
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    Question 9900k overheating ? Or just lost silicon lottery 🤷‍♂️

    Hello I would like to share an Update in this Form Thank you all for participating Vcore I mentioned above was not the real Voltage running into the cpu At least not after the V droop With my new 9900k And h150i Pro My voltage is set to 1.360 With llc on mode 3 ( increases voltage a...
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    Question 9900k overheating ? Or just lost silicon lottery 🤷‍♂️

    UPDATE I got Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Sounds like it’s not difference from my stock thermal past , put it handles the heat well .... Put now I have a very strange problem I had my cpu stable 5 GHz at 1.315 for 1 hour of OCCT small data set I ran a test today llc voltage 1.344 Got BSOD Raised to...
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    Question CPU thermal past -temp and voltage

    UPDATE I got Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Sounds like it’s not difference from my stock thermal past , put it handles the heat well .... Put now I have a very strange problem I had my cpu stable 5 GHz at 1.315 for 1 hour of OCCT small data set I ran a test today llc voltage 1.344 Got BSOD...
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    Question 9900k overheating ? Or just lost silicon lottery 🤷‍♂️

    Yea , I had a very hard time with that bad sample — now with my ambient temperature of 30C , and in comparison with most of other people Temps and performance , it makes make sense ——— I passed 4 hours on FPU at 1.295v llc1.325v And after 1hour of OCCT small data set needed 1.315v llc 1.344 no...
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    Question 9900k overheating ? Or just lost silicon lottery 🤷‍♂️

    😂😂 what do u meant “about time”
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    Question 9900k overheating ? Or just lost silicon lottery 🤷‍♂️

    Update: My OLD cpu was a piece of **** couldn’t get it stable at 4.8