Recent content by drjohnnyfever

  1. D

    Question Do I have a faulty i7-14700K ?

    Did you reset the bios? You tried the CPU Lite setting? That setting alone adjusts both PL1 and PL2 settings. It sounds like the chip could be damaged... but that's more reason to fool around with the bios/OC settings to see if you can dial it in to be mostly stable before getting a new one...
  2. D

    Question Do I have a faulty i7-14700K ?

    Your MOBO is a similar model to mine. I have an MSi Z790- A Wifi. You should have no trouble undervolting your CPU with the help of the videos and Reddit directions. Your MOBO was on the wide open setting. The most helpful setting to adjust first if you want to experiment is the CPU Lite...
  3. D

    Question Do I have a faulty i7-14700K ?

    If you haven't, take a little time to read the Reddit link I posted above. The videos are also helpful with being able to find what the Reddit poster is talking about in his post. It also explains undervolting. Your MOBO was probably one of those that was wide open out of the box, meaning the...
  4. D

    Question Do I have a faulty i7-14700K ?

    If it has been hitting the 100C for a period of time, you probably do want to RMA it. Yet you might want to experiment a little with it before doing so. Update the bios first on your MOBO. After that, take a look at this thread - post 50, and all of the links there. I had to do these...
  5. D

    Question I9 series and microcode updates VS bios settings ?

    I have the i5-14600K running on a Pro MSI Z-790A WiFi MOBO. I built this as a gamer for my son almost exactly a year ago; at a time when it was becoming evident the MOBO manufacturers were leaving there boards open to overvolting CPU's as a default setting. Luckily, I had noticed the...
  6. D

    Question Can you expand the memory on a Raspberry Pi 2GB board ?

    Thanks for the responses. I think what I'm going to do is repurpose a newer old laptop where I can retropie it. I had considered upgrading the microSd to a speedier card, but I think there might still be limitations. Also, my son has an Ambernik unit that I looked into. Similar Pi setup, but...
  7. D

    Question Do undervolting 14gen will loose some performance?

    The 14600K with a MSI Pro Z790-A Wifi is what I got. Fantastic. edit - Overclocked and undervolted...
  8. D

    Question i7 14700k Temps too high

    Those undervolting videos I posted above accomplish that offset or even better - potentially - by using the CPU-Lite feature. I dropped the temps by 15C+ just by following the settings from the links. I have the 14600K and its running as fast as a i7-12700K and i7-13700k with no throttling or...
  9. D

    Question i7 14700k Temps too high

    Sorry dude, water cooling is outta my knowledge zone... ;)
  10. D

    Question i7 14700k Temps too high

    Looks like universal ones are available on Amazon...
  11. D

    Question i7 14700k Temps too high

    ...and just a note, when l HWMonitored during the Cinebench23, the p-cores were at about 149% and the temps were still never above 83C. I remember being kind of amazed at the performance. With your chip, you should see similar, if not better, results. Take your time. And stop the benchmark...
  12. D

    Question i7 14700k Temps too high

    Honestly, I had no idea either, but when I bought the 14600K it was with the design of learning a little about over-clocking. What I didn't bargain on is the whole heat issue about a year or so ago coming to full bloom after MOBO manufacturers had sent out boards with wide open settings to get...
  13. D

    Question i7 14700k Temps too high

    Could you undervolt the CPU? There are lots of videos about the 14th Gen CPU's and MOBO's being wide open out of the box. This probably isn't the case with your situation, but check the Bios if this MOBO is more than a year old. I was aware that there was an issue with MOBO's allowing too...
  14. D

    Question DisplayPort vs HDMI ?

    ...had no idea. My experience from 7 or so years ago was that you needed to carry an audio line with the DP because the DP was, as the name tends to indicate, display only. How would I determine or allow or whatever the audio over a DP?
  15. D

    Question DisplayPort vs HDMI ?

    Thanks for posting that link. It was an interesting read. Gets a little too technical for an Average Joe, but, ultimately, there seem to be only nuance level differences when you're talking about consumer - not enthusiast - level uses with PC's. The one thing that always directed me to hdmi...