Recent content by f3rninator

  1. f3rninator

    [SOLVED] PC Keeps Freezing After 20min of Gaming

    I think a new PSU is what I'll end up trying, nothing else seems to be working. I even did a clean re-install of windows 10
  2. f3rninator

    [SOLVED] PC Keeps Freezing After 20min of Gaming

    Could it just be that the games aren't CPU intensive? Fully legit install of Windows 10 I've noticed that the amount of time it takes to crash depends on the intensity of whatever it is I'm running. Rainbow Six Siege I can normally get in 20 - 40 min. When I went back into BFV I don't think...
  3. f3rninator

    [SOLVED] PC Keeps Freezing After 20min of Gaming

    Ohp, my case is actually different than the one listed on PC Part Picker. Forgot about that discrepancy. I've downloaded HWinfo64, will run logging and report back Update: All temperatures appear to be normal, even at the time of the crash Here's the report ...
  4. f3rninator

    [SOLVED] PC Keeps Freezing After 20min of Gaming

    For Siege I did lower the settings but I didn't change the resolution. Even with my settings maxed out though, I'm still getting well over 100FPS, no stuttering, no overheating before it locks up.
  5. f3rninator

    [SOLVED] PC Keeps Freezing After 20min of Gaming

    Yes I'm using RS6 Siege to test, the game doesn't have Ray-Tracing. Same thing happens in BF4, BF5, and Minecraft [With High Res. Texture & Shaders] with Ray-Tracing on Update: I just tried again with BF5 Max Settings Ray-Tracing on and it locked-up in less than 5 minutes of gameplay. CPU &...
  6. f3rninator

    [SOLVED] PC Keeps Freezing After 20min of Gaming

    I end up with the same result when gaming on low, the only difference is that it ends up taking longer before locking up
  7. f3rninator

    [SOLVED] PC Keeps Freezing After 20min of Gaming

    This has been a huge issue for quite some time now. Normally I'm able to find solutions within a couple days of googling everything, this is the first time I've ever come to a forum for help! Anytime I'm playing a high resource demanding game, I'm only able to game for about 20 minutes (give or...