Recent content by falcon291

  1. falcon291

    Question PC not seeing 12TB drive properly

    Which Windows versions are we talking about? Apparently not Windows 11, because it cannot be installed onto these older PCs.
  2. falcon291

    Question Games performance seems to be worse after GPU upgrade ?

    Your CPU is old and it will have performance issues. I replace my 9700K 2 years ago, and it helped me a lot to gain FPS. But still 10 fps is very much questionable. It should not be like that. Did you try different graphic settings? I would try that, if it does not work, unfortunately you will...
  3. falcon291

    Question How to create new folders and rename faster?

    1. Create an Excel file. From the second row Column A: Sequence number, Column B: Date 2. Save the file as an XLSM file. 3. Create a new macro. And then copy my macro on it. When you run the macro it will create the directories under where you store the macro.
  4. falcon291

    Question How to create new folders and rename faster?

    I would write a small Excel macro. Column A with the sequential number and column to date. Then extend the rows as many as I need. I don't know your rules about holidays, if you have any. Then comes the macro part that will create the directories. Here it is. Note: It does not check whether...
  5. falcon291

    Question 1ms vs 0.5ms response time ?

    OLED has its own problems as well: Burn-in, limited panel life, overheating and other than gaming not stellar performance. And of course it is pricey. Overall mini-LED monitors are the best monitors right now, of course if you don't have money limitations. OLED monitors are only better for...
  6. falcon291

    Question Memory XMP Failure

    If you are not into gaming not using XMP will not be a problem, but if you are a gamer it is a very different story.
  7. falcon291

    Question Memory XMP Failure

    You should not mix different sticks, it can be even a problem even with the same brand of sticks with same timings, different brands with different timings can only work disabling XMP. Sell all for 4 sticks and buy a 16 GB x 2 two stick pack. Or just use 2 of the sticks. There is no other way.
  8. falcon291

    Question Confused on the speed of Samsung 980 pro 2tb NVMe SSd

    No, this will not increase the speed even a bit. Because physically you are using the same drive. It is the overall speed. So if you are using the three drives at the same time, the total speed will be 7000 Mb/s.
  9. falcon291

    [SOLVED] Solid Yellow CPU LED and no POST on new build ?

    Can it be the CPU wrong direction?
  10. falcon291

    Question IPS Glow on new laptop ?

    IPS glow is a normal side effect of IPS screens. If it is too much, it is up to you to decide. If you share a photo of your screen, we can tell you if it is normal or not. It will not get worse, and if it is a deal breaker for you, you can return your Zephyrus.
  11. falcon291

    Question Question about 13-14th gen CPU ?

    12th generation is safe. 13th and 14th generations are still in a position to wait. Don't think about moving to AMD, if things just do not work out for 13th and 14th generations, you can still upgrade to an i7 in 12th generation. Give it a few more weeks.
  12. falcon291

    Question Win11 soft and hard freezing during video playback, no bsod

    Video playback is not something CPU dependent. So I don't think it is really related. Check event viewer, it may or may not give a clue.
  13. falcon291

    Question Chance of being able to solder B760M Motherboard CPU Connector pin (see pictures)

    Let's test broken parts with brand new parts. I can risk it with my 6-year-old computer, but not with a new one.
  14. falcon291

    [SOLVED] CPU high temps - low usage ?

    Something is wrong with your configuration. I am using an air cooler with my 13900KF, and my temperature is better when idle. If I were in your position, I would disconnect the pump to GPU to see if anything is getting better.
  15. falcon291

    Question replacing and install gpu, is still applicable to use DDU in 2024? from gtx 1650 to rtx 3060

    For my case, upgrade from GTX 1070 to RTX 3070. Replacing the card was easy, and did not need DDU at the beginning. But then I faced problems and needed DDU.