Recent content by Fay_Fury

  1. Fay_Fury

    [SOLVED] Will the gtx 1060 3 gb bottleneck the i7-8700k

    You could always try the bottleneck test, it will give sort of how much of a bottleneck it will have.
  2. Fay_Fury

    Question My PC won't turn on after installing a GPU

    Too me it sounds like furrmark made the PC overheat and turn off to not damage it's components. Does the PC start up normaly after you removed and re-installed the GPU?
  3. Fay_Fury

    [SOLVED] PC won’t boot up to startup/display after pressing power button but will boot after pressing reset button.

    Sounds like you have connected the power and reset to the wrong pins in the MOBO, would recommend that you take a closer look to make sure you have put them in the right place. Had the same issue on my PC when i first built it. Turned out i accedently placed them like you probably have. Here...
  4. Fay_Fury

    [SOLVED] Can i use the GTX 1050Ti with this rig/setup??

    That card looks counterfeit so i wouldn't buy that but you could look at the rx 560 4gb, that card doens't require a power connector so if you're intrested look into that one.
  5. Fay_Fury

    Question Is a Ryzen 5 3600 going to pair well with 3600Mhz memory?

    What is the fastest MHz that you're MOBO can have? Would suck to buy that 3600MHz just realize that you're MOBO doesn't support that kind of speed. But if the MOBO supports 3600 then go for 3600 CL 15 or 16.
  6. Fay_Fury

    [SOLVED] Building a budget PC, I'm in need of suggestions

    Is it possible to replace the CPU and the RAM? 16 GB RAM is recommended on most modern AAA games released today plus if you have two RAM sticks you get dual channel. When it comes to the CPU i would have gone with the Ryzen 5 2600 for a little more performance. But if you don't have to money...
  7. Fay_Fury

    Question My first PC Build

    Looks fine to me, this is going to be killer PC. A little bit over kill maybe but if you have the money for it, go for it! It will handle pretty much every AAA title without problems on the highest settings! Hope you found this helpfull and good luck on that PC building ;)
  8. Fay_Fury

    [SOLVED] GPU Fan Not Spinning.

    When you start the pc the fans spins for a little while, does the secound fan spin when you boot into windows? Another thing to do is to download the latest drivers to the GPU (you have probably already done this but if you haven't done that yet i suggest doing that because it might fix the...