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    • F
      fishchip replied to the thread Question bios question.
      I tried to check how to upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Pro. I don't export in computers so I'm leaving it that way. but, If you...
    • F
      fishchip replied to the thread Question bios question.
      o.k, thanks again for the replay. From what I understand from you, the only thing i can do is upgrade to Windows 11??
    • F
      fishchip replied to the thread Question bios question.
      Thank you for your reply. I bought this computer a few days ago and it is Windows 10 as you can see. I can't run programs like I used...
    • F
      fishchip replied to the thread Question bios question.
      מעבד Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.20 GHz RAM מותקן ‏‏‎16.0 GB ‏(‏‏‎15.9 GB ניתנים לשימוש) מזהה מכשיר...
    • F
      i need change in bios the settings of virtualization to enable. but when i click f10 button' not happen. so i can't accept the change...
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