Recent content by flickyklicky

  1. F

    New CPU Cooler $60

  2. F

    New CPU Cooler $60

    Best answer selected by flickyklicky.
  3. F

    New CPU Cooler $60

    Hmm. If that's the case, maybe I will take the Evo. I know I really shouldn't be basing my decisions off of looks, but I've got a completely blue/black build, and the Noctuas would just kill the vibe. I also don't particularly like the $25-30 price tag on them. Any other fan suggestions? My...
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    New CPU Cooler $60

    Hi there! I've decided I've had enough to the incessant hard drive-like noise coming out of my H80, so I'm switching back to air cooling. My budget is $60. People around her always seem to recommend an Hyper 212 and replacement fans because it's cost effective, but with a $60 budget, is the 212...
  5. F

    $150 Budget For a Case

    Best answer selected by flickyklicky.
  6. F

    $150 Budget For a Case

    Alright. Thank you very much. Unless anybody has other suggestions, that will probably be my pick. A case with mesh on the front would be nice so that I may compare the two. EDIT: Can anybody recommend a mesh case that might compete with the Lian Li PC-K62? As far as mesh cases go, that's the...
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    $150 Budget For a Case

    How roomy is that case exactly? Also, how does it compare against a Corsair 550D or Antec p280?
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    $150 Budget For a Case

    Hello. I would just like to ask for some suggestions for a case. My requirements are: -Able to fit an h100 -Reasonably quiet fans and a build that doesn't spray the sound all over the place (If you could recommend some quiet fans that are reasonably priced, that would be good too). -A more...
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    Checking build

    Alrighty then. How does your HDD compare to the WD Blue I posted earlier performance-wise?
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    Checking build

    Thanks for the suggestion. Also, do you know for sure if the Mushkin is compatible? It's not on Asrock's list of tested memory.
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    Checking build

    He's actually getting the CPU at microcenter because the CPU deals there are very nice. We originally had the 3220 on the slate, but it's out of stock at the moment.
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    Checking build

    Hi there, I'd just like my build to be validated by you guys. It's for a cousin that isn't super techy that really only games, which is why I got the i3. CASE: ZALMAN Z9 Black Steel / Plastic ATX Mid Tower...
  13. F

    My CPU is overshooting my Clock speed?

    Just did some more testing. I once again put the CPU back on stock settings, and this time I did a stress test. At idle it's sitting at the 3.7-3.8 that I showed in the first post, but when I stress test it, it falls down to a constant 3.6. Any ideas? EDIT: Sorry about all the double posting...
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    My CPU is overshooting my Clock speed?

    I just set it to the 4.0 Ghz preset in my bios, and it seems to be landing on it just fine now: But I still have the problem of the CPU not throttling it down when usage is low.
  15. F

    My CPU is overshooting my Clock speed?

    Hi there! I've got a 3570k and I recently noticed something peculiar. I had a mild overclock at 4.3 GHz, and it always seemed to be at 4.5 GHz. Also, the CPU seemed to always be on turbo mood regardless of whether anything intensive was happening. I checked my Bios and turbo mode was turned on...