Recent content by Gamer AshRut

  1. G

    1200-1300 Gaming Build

    No. i7 is meant for editing and fx 8350 is not that great go with the i5.
  2. G

    1200-1300 Gaming Build

    The build by gamer1357 is also great. But this one is my personal choice. Go with whichever you like.
  3. G

    Which is easier for a GTX 750 Ti to run?

    Watch Dogs is one of the worst optimized games. Even with much better cards such as GTX 660 the FPS drops to about 25 in some places.
  4. G

    Which is easier for a GTX 750 Ti to run?

    Those are avg fps. That means there will be dips under 30 and I was not guessing at all before answering any question I personally do research about it. Anyways for better playability 768p would be better for that card.
  5. G

    Which is easier for a GTX 750 Ti to run?

    But I saw some benchmarks, where the results were different.
  6. G

    Which is easier for a GTX 750 Ti to run?

    Metro last light , Crysis 3 , Watch Dogs...
  7. G

    Good Computer Lagging TOO MUCH - Help

    Sometimes geforce experience settings are messed up . Try changing the settings manually.
  8. G

    Which is easier for a GTX 750 Ti to run?

    Some new games would be unplayable at 1080p as their fps will be below 30.
  9. G

    Which is easier for a GTX 750 Ti to run?

    1080p at any settings (low/med/high/ultra) would be better.Choose the best settings according to fps.
  10. G

    Looking for a nice monitor

    AOC is not great. Go with something from Asus or BenQ.
  11. G

    R7 260x on PCIe 2.0

    Nah.. no difference.
  12. G

    Direct CUii TOP vs MSI Twin Frozr

    Both are really great and not much difference. Go with whichever is cheaper.
  13. G

    Will my CPU work fine with this GPU?

    Well.. your cpu will slightly bottleneck your gpu. If you could overclock it then its ok , go for the R9 290. Otherwise start saving for a new processor as well to get the most out of your gpu.