Recent content by Garrett19

  1. G

    Best GPU for $260

  2. G

    Best GPU for $260

    I actually have one more question! Doing further research on my build I am wondering if the GPU im going to buy will working the PSU im buying. So im buying this GPU: and this PSU...
  3. G

    Best GPU for $260

  4. G

    Best GPU for $260

  5. G

    Best GPU for $260

    What is the difference between this card: and this card...
  6. G

    Best GPU for $260

    Okay cool! So between these two which would you recommend? or...
  7. G

    Best GPU for $260

  8. G

    Best GPU for $260

    Im currently in the process of upgrading and am wondering what the best bang for my buck is when it comes to GPUs. Ive looked at a few but I am still concerned I wont make the best chose. This computer will only be used for gaming! So what are the best GPU's for gaming that are at max $260...
  9. G

    Confirmation before buying

    Okay thank you so much for your time, ill look more in the the two GPUs. Take care!
  10. G

    Confirmation before buying

    So this build checks out?? Ill look into that other gpu, thank you so much!
  11. G

    Confirmation before buying, this MB though.