Recent content by grana92

  1. grana92

    [SOLVED] Limiting FPS on RTX 3070 Ti

    Ok so this is going to be a weird one, recently I bought an RTX 3070 Ti, the GPU is awesome but it emits a lot of heat (which is normal actually). The thing is, during the summer temperatures in my town rarely drop below 30 degrees Celsius, which is quite unpleasant. Add the heat from the GPU...
  2. grana92

    [SOLVED] Sapphire RX5700XT Nitro+ SE Crashing

    Thank you for you reply Metal Messiah This happens at no particular order or situation, but it happens almost every time when I try to play Frostpunk, lowering down graphics settings, locking the FPS to 60 doesnt' help It also happens in other games such as Cyberpunk (then again it might have...
  3. grana92

    [SOLVED] Sapphire RX5700XT Nitro+ SE Crashing

    Hi everyone The question is simple, is my GPU bad or is it the PSU or maybe something else? I get a lot of crashes when playing Frostpunk, as far as I've seen the GPU gets very warm but nothing critical (around 90 degrees Celsius junction, 60 degrees rest) The GPU passes stress tests and...
  4. grana92

    [SOLVED] Laptop and cash register dropout when CCTV connetcs

    So here's a weird one, The network is setup as follows: Modem (150/20Mbps) -> Ubiquiti Security Gateway -> D-Link 10/100 Switch -> 2 Unify APs (non AC versions) There is also a HikVision recorder connected to the switch that can be monitored on 3 devices (smartphones), they connect via...
  5. grana92

    [SOLVED] 27 Mbps Connection and only getting 2 Mbps

    I'd say this is an ISP issue. Assuming the physical line from the "ISP network center" to your house is in good condition, judging by your ADSL bandwidth of 15Mbps I assume that your physical line is around 1500 meters long (0.9 miles) which is way beyond the rated VDSL max length (being 1200...
  6. grana92

    [SOLVED] Sudden Terrible Internet

    PC Specs?
  7. grana92

    [SOLVED] Gaming PC Upgrade

    Hello, I'm planning on upgrading my gaming PC by the end of this year. The main goal is to be able to play basically anything at 1080p on ultra/max settings Current setup: PSU: Corsair CX500M MBO: Gigabyte H170 Gaming CPU: Core i5 6500 GPU: Gigabyte GTX1060 6GB G1 RAM: G.Skill 16GB 2400MHz...
  8. grana92

    Can i run this system unit?

    more or less but that i wouldn't use that PSU, it's way too low
  9. grana92

    Ram problem on Ep43-UD3L

    Yes you can, although it would be best if you would actually buy a dual-channel kit (2 RAM sticks in package)
  10. grana92

    The Group Policy Client service failed the logon. Access denied

    Unless you open the laptop nope.. That account is part of a domain. Although opening laptops isn't that hard, if it's your first time look it up on youtube..
  11. grana92

    help me pls

    No, the RAM should work fine. can you be more specific? Specs? where did you connect the cable from the PC to the TV? Which cable is it, Did you switch to the correct input/source on the TV?
  12. grana92

    Will this run all the AAA games good?

    The CPU will be ok if you pair it with high frequency RAM (3200MHz) GPU not so much, GTX1060 is the sweetspot for 1080p price to performance PSU: make sure it's at least 80+ bronze certified HDD: from my experience, i've built a dozens of configs with WD drives, only one with a Toshiba drive and...
  13. grana92

    Loud internal HDD

    I wouldn't recommend using a USB hard drive for your data. I have the same problem with my WD Blue and the only solution I have is rubber stand offs to reduce the vibrations + a better case with sound dampening material on the inside
  14. grana92

    No startup on newly built pc. What component should I seek to fix?

    did you try with just one screen? Did you connect the power to the GPU?
  15. grana92

    Do I need a bigger psu

    it will be enough