Hello,, lads. I hav a old gtx 1070 im upgrading to rtx 2070 super. Can i just plug the new one in, and update it on nvidia Geforce? Or do I hav to go under apps, and uninstalle old ones? Then redownload?
Well i allways update it, and its been 2 weeks, sins i last turned it on cuz im getting the card tomorow, but I hav also seen that u can go into apps, and delte Them, 1 by 1, whit restarts', then go in on nevidia, and down lates geforce 😊🤙🤞🤞
Got a 1070 in it thats broken, and Are borowing, a rtx 2070, i know i hav to delete the old driver, after booting it up on the New one. But how do I do that.. Thanks