Recent content by H20WIRED

  1. H

    A Beginner's Guide For WaterCooling Your PC

    PEOPLE UNDER ESTAMAT A ZELMAN, dont use the stock pump. they have a fan for the top of the water tower. inside put a tube on the returning water so it puts the warm water at the top of the tower. dont use a high volume pump that wont give the water time to cool down. 1st you in no way need a mb...
  2. H

    Tom's Overclocking Contest Date Set!

    why put all that $ is a pc? is it going to make you a better player in games? i think not.take that cach and buy a high performance engine for your car,like a sm block chevy, youll have a hell of a better time than setting in front of a $5,000 pc, 5 grand will build you 1 hell of a fast car, i...