Recent content by hauxy

  1. H

    Question No video output and Flashing cpu and ram led

    Yes resetting the cmos solved my problem, thank you very much
  2. H

    Question No video output and Flashing cpu and ram led

    Okay thank you for ur help
  3. H

    Question No video output and Flashing cpu and ram led

    Yeah now that I think about it is was pretty stupid, if any of those dont work, what should I do?
  4. H

    Question No video output and Flashing cpu and ram led

    Okay, I'll attempt these when I get the chance, i honestly didn't think it could damage anything. What part/s would most likely be damaged?
  5. H

    Question No video output and Flashing cpu and ram led

    Okay so yesterday I turned my computer off by switching the power supply switch straight off without shutting down or anything. Now I receive no video output and the cpu and ram leds are flashing on my mobo. I'm not sure what could be the problem or how I cant find the problem. It's a very new...
  6. H

    Question Flashing cpu and ram led on mobo

    The red led for the cpu is flashing along with the amber one for the ram
  7. H

    Question Flashing cpu and ram led on mobo

    asus prime z390-a
  8. H

    Question Flashing cpu and ram led on mobo

    Okay so yesterday I turned my computer off by switching the power supply switch straight off without shutting down or anything. Now I receive no video output and the cpu and ram leds are flashing on my mobo. I'm not sure what could be the problem or how I cant find the problem. It's a very new...