Recent content by HaXD

  1. HaXD

    Question 1070 Mini acting weirdly

    Aww man, I had this gpu for 5 months. Welp second-handed anyway, I will send it to a technician anyway to confirm this. Thanks for y'all help.
  2. HaXD

    Question 1070 Mini acting weirdly

    Full spec: I3-10100F (Cooled by Deepcool GAMMAX 400), Asrock H410-M HDV, 500W Aerocool VX Plus Series (VX-500), 16GB of GSkill DDR4-2666 RAM, 1070 Mini Zotac, 500GB WD HDD, 120 GB SSDx2. Monitor: Skyview 20" LED 1600×900 res. I also noticed when you plug the PC in but doesnt have it on, you...
  3. HaXD

    Question 1070 Mini acting weirdly

    Update: After the next 2 freezes, my PC is no longer outputting any signal although the GPU fans are still spinning upon starting up. For the past few hours, I let my PC mostly idle and downloading games without problems, I tried to download some ganes from Epic Games next and this happens...
  4. HaXD

    Question 1070 Mini acting weirdly

    I know I will not pirating any software. But fresh OS install? Like wiping out completely my C drive? I also want to do a follow up, the PC was running fine when I first posted this until now, it just restart itself and freeze in the BIOS phase. I restarted it and it freeze after it loaded...
  5. HaXD

    Question 1070 Mini acting weirdly

    A little bit background: I purchased this 1070 mini as a second-handed, the warranty ended in 8/2020. I also pruchased a cheap Chinese monitor with no website or link whatsoever. The monitor require me to have both VGA and HDMI cable plugged in but due to the fact 1070 mini only have DP, HDMI...