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    • henrymca
      henrymca replied to the thread Question Constant BSODs ?.
      Yes I installed a fresh copy of windows 10, not a restore. I'll try safe mode and will reply back. OK so I restarted in safe mode and it...
    • henrymca
      henrymca replied to the thread Question Constant BSODs ?.
      Ok so I tested each individual stick in ram slot A2. Ran 4 tests. Test 1- first test BSOD then retested Test 2- Crashed right after...
    • henrymca
      henrymca replied to the thread Question Constant BSODs ?.
      I ran the test with all the ram sticks installed.
    • henrymca
      henrymca replied to the thread Question Constant BSODs ?.
      https://fastupload.io/e56ce391574b207d weird thing is as soon as test was done it crashed again
    • henrymca
      henrymca replied to the thread Question Constant BSODs ?.
      Bios is the latest I just updated it and I can stay in bios. Unfortunately I would need to buy a psu, motherboard and cpu to test the...
    • henrymca
      This is in regards to my son's PC. For the past few weeks it's constantly blue screens with different errors everytime. It just does it...
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