Recent content by hunted_marksman

  1. hunted_marksman

    Question Accidently plugged HDMI from PS4 into my PC GPU GTX660. Have display but card crashes in game even on low settings.

    you might be able to get a dp to hdmi but with what your saying about how you can not game you could of damaged it in a way that its only useful as a display adaptor
  2. hunted_marksman

    Question Accidently plugged HDMI from PS4 into my PC GPU GTX660. Have display but card crashes in game even on low settings.

    based on what you have done eg reinstalled new drivers i think the card may just stay a paper weight if the ps4 was on it could of fried the hdmi port on the card and as my understanding it dose not have a second, i would try and get a 19 pin dp as 20 pins can have problems (no no-name brands)...
  3. hunted_marksman

    Question Accidently plugged HDMI from PS4 into my PC GPU GTX660. Have display but card crashes in game even on low settings.

    have you tried pulling the gpu out the system leaving it and then re installing it, ive found that works sometimes. did you have your ps4 on when you plugged it it?
  4. hunted_marksman

    Question gtx 980 high temps

    as the title says my gtx 980 in games hits round 85-91c especially in just cause 3 and 4 the gpu fan is at 80% and round 85c and ive seen it hit 95c which is really bad for the card, i play in 4k so thats probably why its so hot. i average 45 fps incase anyone asks, is they any way i can...
  5. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] New Graphics card boots once, runs for 1 minute, then doesn't boot for a while

    it hss gone back to full price unfortunately i know alot of people wouldnt recommend a br psu but i used this exact model for my friends 2060 super and it works great...
  6. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] New Graphics card boots once, runs for 1 minute, then doesn't boot for a while

    if your in the uk they are some good deals for 700w psus for round £40-£50 on amazon and scan if you still have the old 660 ti i would sell that for as much as you can get and scrape together enough for a nice quality psu
  7. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] Need help with new 1050 ti GPU install... Unable to boot or access BIOS when reverting back to vga port on motherboard.

    also the recomended psu for the ti version is 400w the min is 300w so you could of damaged the psu while trying to run the card. if the fans spin up yet you get no display it could well be the psu. is it a hp system with a custom psu or atx?
  8. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] New Graphics card boots once, runs for 1 minute, then doesn't boot for a while

    ok it may be a psu problem in windows they is a low power mode in will lower performance but it should be stable the minimum psu for this card is 550w so that mixed with you old psu could be causing it to turn off if i was you i would put it in low power mode and start looking for a 650w or 700w...
  9. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] Upgrade GPU to RX 5700 XT or RTX 2070 Super

    it will support both just fine the 6700k is still a good chip for its age and since your on lga 1151 if you ever wanted to upgrade you have the opportunity to
  10. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] New Graphics card boots once, runs for 1 minute, then doesn't boot for a while

    are the 6 and 9 pin pcie and separate cables and if not do you have 1 cable spare so 1 goes into the 6 one goes into the 8 also in windows turn on low power mode you will lose performance but it should be stable
  11. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] New Graphics card boots once, runs for 1 minute, then doesn't boot for a while

    that psu could be the problem if your cpu is overclocked it will pull more wattage as well. dose the psu have the needed pcie connectors or did you use molex to 6 or 8 pin adapter
  12. hunted_marksman

    [SOLVED] Will my 1070 bottleneck AMD 3600?

    the 3600 is a great cpu and should not bottleneck your card as the poster above said it will work perfect with your current system my freind has one of these chips with a 2080 ti and it preforms great. and dose not have any bottlenecks
  13. hunted_marksman

    Question Vega 56 randomly freezing / blackscreen while gaming

    whats the make and model of the psu?