Recent content by Iceman96051

  1. I

    How to stop integrated graphics card from turning off

    For anybody curious, it seems that making sure the TV is on before waking the computer up fixes this. Looking back at it, this actually makes quite a bit of sense since the TV has no standby and nothing else uses my on-board graphics card besides my TV. I'm just going to guess my PC detected no...
  2. I

    How to stop integrated graphics card from turning off

    So my computer is running 3 monitors at the moment and a VR headset. I have 2 of the monitors and the VR headset hooked up to my dedicated graphics card and my TV (or 3rd monitor) hooked up to my integrated. It works just fine most the time as long as I turn off my TV before I use the VR headset...
  3. I

    GTX 1080 runs differently after SSD

    So I recently got a SSD drive and after a massive PITA installation of a new copy of Windows 10 on it, my 1080 actually runs worse. Nothing else really seems effected but I have two benchmarks to show you. (For the links, just click on the before SSD test and after SSD, the links directly to...
  4. I

    GTX 970 card maxing issues

    So very recently my GTX 970 has decided that using only 539.5 MHz of it's core clock is better than the 1300 or so of it's default (I honestly don't know the default exactly but it doesn't really pertain to this anyways). I've had this card for about a year now and it just started doing this a...