Major CPU overheating issue after new motherboard.


Jan 13, 2016
Got a new motherboard and my CPU seems to be well and truly screwed. So to start, I bought a I7 4790k to switch out my I5 4690k. Using some rather idiotic tactics, I broke one of the prongs on the motherboard when I got the I5 out, so off to buy a new motherboard. I plug-in the new motherboard and BOTH of my processors are literally hitting up to 80 C just loading webpages now. Hell, Steam starting an auto download made my processor hit 97 C. The idle is roughly around 50 for the I5 and 53-55 for the I7. However, if I let it idle for about 1 hour, it can hit about 38 C, that goes for both. Before, my I5 was doing just great and the ONLY thing I changed was the motherboard (I even bought the exact same motherboard). Point is, how the hell does my processor go from something that can basically max out The Witcher 3 at 65-70 C to barely load a webpage without overheating at around 80 C. If I even attempt to load GTA 5, Witcher 3, or Just Cause 3 (probably other games too) it spikes out at 100 C in the load screen and surprise surprise shuts the computer down. Yes, the fans are all hooked up, I reset the CMOS (Bios on the motherboard), the airflow is exactly the same as before, the processor fan (it is stock) is working as it should and as far as I could tell it is secured properly, and everything is plugged in just as it should be. The only thing I haven't done is use the install disc for the motherboard but I don't think I need to because it is the exact same motherboard. Could it be I just got a really defective motherboard or could it be something else, cause this certainly isn't a problem I've ever had before and doesn't seem like a common one. Watching the temps on your processor while watching a video in 360p and having to stop the video because it's overheating is not at all fun. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.
My specs are:
I5 4690k/I7 4790k (They both hit unbelievably high temps, but I7 was slightly higher generally hitting about 85 C when loading a page).
Stock fan
A 2 TB hardrive I don't really feel like looking up (I truly doubt it's the problem).
EVGA 600 W bronze power supply
16 GB of DDR3 1600 RAM
Lastly the motherboard is the H97M Pro4 which gave me no problems at all in the first one I owned.
[Edit]: I forgot to include this but my I5 was OC to 4.2 ghz on my last motherboard, neither of them are OC now though and I even tried underclocking for basically no success.
[Edit 2}: The program I was using to check temps was speccy which always worked fine for me before and I would say it's also working now since I get massive slowdowns when it hits 90 C and my computer shuts down when speccy is showing the temp at 100+. I guess one thing it could is some bad sensors in the motherboard causing it to read the temps wrong and forcing it to shut down from that? I've felt the heat from the processor a couple times now and it doesn't really feel overly hot.

[Edit 3]: Well I forgot I even still had this up for a while there. For anybody that was curious, the problem fixed itself and my best guess is the motherboard needed "broken in". So I basically started messing around with it and down clocked the processor just enough to be able run a game (it still "hit" 99 degrees C but it didn't prompt the auto shutdown). I started to think my motherboard might be at fault so I lowered the fan on my GPU to the point where it would max at 75 degrees and repeatedly felt the temps of the GPU with the CPU and they honestly felt the same, yet the processor should have been 24 degrees hotter. Anyways, the CPU was throttling the whole time since the motherboard thought it was overheating and I just kept playing the game for about an hour and a half. After that, just restarted the computer and somehow, my motherboard could read the right temperatures. I got no idea how exactly that fixed it. I'm guessing the Motherboard had to calibrate itself to the processor or something, but I'm definitely not complaining.

The stock paste yes, I was however going to try and buy some new paste from Staples tomorrow since it's on my way to and from work. I also ordered a Hyper 212 evo since it will fit in the case and it sounds like a pretty good fan for just stock settings on processors. (I really wanted the H7 but the damn thing seems to be sold out everywhere, even on Ebay).

I've been running with both sides of my case open since this happend, not helping much. Only thing I changed was the motherboard. My processor, graphics card, and motherboard had just fine temps before I went and broke my old motherboard.. It's the part that confuses me the most. I mean I'm not necessarily great with computers but I'm not really bad either (not counting the whole breaking a motherboard thing).

Yeah, was going to try this tomorrow, guess I will let you know if that helped anything.

Update: It might be a while before I can try it, looks like the store doesn't carry it in stock anymore.