Recent content by ionutnedelcu

  1. ionutnedelcu

    Question CPU Upgrade

    what's the rest of your system? x299 is good if you have SLI / Crossfire because of the extra pci lanes, but going the other way would be cheaper. 9900KS is an absolute beast and it's cheaper.
  2. ionutnedelcu

    Question PSU slight buzzing noise

    At this point, I would return it, but since you don't have the paperwork, that might prove difficult. Have you noticed the PSU getting warm? It could be that the extra load is either causing more heat, which in turn causes the smell, or the worst-case scenario is that there's an imperfect...
  3. ionutnedelcu

    Question PSU slight buzzing noise

    considering it started after you've added an increased load, it makes sense that it would be coil whine. that being said, I've had some noise-related issues with my old PSU and it turned out to be the fan which was causing it. In your case, I think it is coil whine, but the timing is a bit odd...
  4. ionutnedelcu

    [SOLVED] Samsung Magician won’t recognize my SSD

    I've been having a similar issue as you for the past 2 days. Samsung Magician was not picking up my 860 EVO. After a few good hours of trying to install drivers and deleting volumes and formatting the drive, I managed to get it going by going into "storage spaces" in windows, deleting the...
  5. ionutnedelcu

    [SOLVED] Followed Tutorial and PC Runs TERRIBLE NOW!

    I use google drive to back up anything important, their subscription isn't too expensive. Alternatively, if you have the funds, a NAS would be the best solution.
  6. ionutnedelcu

    Question Low CPU usage

    Other than one of the external gpu enclosures, I don't know of another way you could do that.
  7. ionutnedelcu

    Question Low CPU usage

    Your GPU is bottlenecking your system. The CPU is performing well over the capabilities of the graphics card.
  8. ionutnedelcu

    Question CPU Core Voltage wont save.

    Your voltage isn't high anyway, but if you want to undervolt, set your vcore to manual (and possibly disable any dynamic frequency/voltage options like speedstep) and type in your desired voltage. Be mindful of the fact that you cannot make big jumps in voltage, so it will take some trial and...
  9. ionutnedelcu

    Question BSOD under 3D load. Please help!

    Some people have reported that to be the cause. I don't know how/why it happens, but if it is related, turning it off might be the way to go.
  10. ionutnedelcu

    [SOLVED] i3-9100f budget build question

    you will need an i5 at least if you're interested in gaming (and that is well over the £100). i3 is not a good choice. I'd say 2600X or 2600 like theoneandonlyfoohyking suggested.
  11. ionutnedelcu

    [SOLVED] CPU and RAM running "below/way below expectations" on userbench. How do I fix this to make sure my PC is running at it's expected performance?

    dude, I wouldn't worry about what it said on the benchmark. run a few games and then check online for performance on the same hardware. if you have 10+ fps lower than what other people have on the same config, then start worrying. just out of curiosity, I ran the test myself and it said my RTX...
  12. ionutnedelcu

    Question i7 6700k Overheating when idle?

    I was thinking the same thing, but he said he changed the AIO. I doubt anyone would make the same mistake 2 times in a row.
  13. ionutnedelcu

    [SOLVED] CPU and RAM running "below/way below expectations" on userbench. How do I fix this to make sure my PC is running at it's expected performance?

    have you OC'd your CPU and have XMP enabled? I believe most of the top scores on all benchmark sites are overclocked results.
  14. ionutnedelcu

    Question BSOD under 3D load. Please help!

    shot in the dark, but try to disable XMP (if it's on) and see if that helps.