Recent content by j3ster

  1. j3ster

    Question Bottlenecking

    at 1920x1080 i can see that something like the 2070 super can bottleneck most processors especially mid-range CPUs. going for 3700x would also be good but not entirely necessary even the 3700x would bottleneck the 2070 super at 1080p 144hz id assume, especially e-sports titles that arent really...
  2. j3ster

    [SOLVED] Upgrading to a 2070 Super, Which variant to get?

    I would agree with concerns regarding the CPU but it wont be horrible, assuming you would upgrade your cpu soon too then getting the 2070 super is also fine rather than spending on a mid-ground type of upgrade and buying a higher end gpu like the RTX 2070 super. but the experience wont be...
  3. j3ster

    [SOLVED] Upgrading to a 2070 Super, Which variant to get?

    for aftermarket high end variants of GPUs you can pretty much choose anything and they would perform around the same, in my opinion it all comes down to if you like how they look and if it fits your case or not. personally id go for MSI GPUs. and yea id also say the CPU might hold you back a...
  4. j3ster

    [SOLVED] PSU Choosing

    the Aero cool project 7 is a good quality unit and is not a crappy one. ^_^ but if you can find something like a Cougar GX-F its cheap but really really good quality and i just recently found out about it when a couple of friends got it and i looked up reviews about it. but to ease your...
  5. j3ster

    [SOLVED] PSU Choosing

    either the Aero cool project 7 or be quiet pure power are very good options.
  6. j3ster

    Question CPU and Motherboard Choice

    I dont think you should upgrade your cpu just yet, since its still pretty fast but that board can handle upto 3900x just fine as far as i know. upgrading to 3700x would also be good but tbh not necessary, you would how ever would want to consider a 2070 super or 5700 XT.
  7. j3ster

    [SOLVED] Will the following PSU be enough?

    EVGA G3 are good budget options, so yes its a good choice.
  8. j3ster

    Question Is it worth upgrading to i7 9700k or holding off for 10th Gen

    if your current setup does its job decently and you arent pulling your hair out due to its poor performance in either games or actual use-ability then waiting is a great idea. id personally avoid the 9700k i just dont like the no HT part of it. but if you cant wait, for cheaper but a way...
  9. j3ster

    [SOLVED] Worth the upgrade?

    thats not completely true, so far ive had friends upgrade to 3600x on release and they are happy no issues what so ever. for me the "problem" with 3rd gen ryzen is due to the user it self, its certainly not entry level friendly since you would want to update BIOS and all that if ever you run...
  10. j3ster

    Question Ryzen 3700x PC doesn't power on for a few seconds.

    try re seating the ram, or individually test each ram stick if theres a faulty one in the bunch, is that 2x16gb or 4x8gb sticks its rare but if its 4x8 sticks meaning you used two different sets of 2x8gb kits it may have caused some stability issues. but its safe to just try it out. sometimes...
  11. j3ster

    Question Ryzen 3700x PC doesn't power on for a few seconds.

    whats your full system specs? down to make and model of your PSU? but for the mean time assuming its not a crappy psu try booting with just one stick of ram and interchange it with the other see if theres a problem there.
  12. j3ster

    Question I7 9700 cooling

    for that price you can get the Be quiet dark rock pro 4 and have a better time.
  13. j3ster

    Question I7 9700 cooling

    for CPU temps while gaming under 70c would be good under 60c great, under 50c awesome. the 9700 isnt really hard to cool, so a good mid range air cooler is your best bet like be quiet dark rock 4 or you can get the pro version of it as well either way its great for your CPU. if you dont care...
  14. j3ster

    [SOLVED] Separate SSD partitions for OS and software?

    the only thing the partition would "help" would be in organizing. aside from that its really pointless doing a partition in a drive.
  15. j3ster

    Question Will my PC benefit from a CPU upgrade?

    itll be small probably for browsing. but you can try 2nd hand market. personally id recommend just saving up for a whole new PC. the recommendation given by @InvalidError is a really good one. "Anything below quad-core is going to suck in most newer games and some won't launch at all with...