Recent content by JackdotX

  1. J

    Games crashing on PC 1060??

    So got a new Asus 1060 but when I OC to get the most out of it, games crash as soon as they launch. Trying to hit 2000 cause it gives a friend a bost even if he's on MSI card. Card is set to max power and temperature limit and the memory isn't OC. Any ideas? I3 6100 ASUS Turbo GTX 1060 6GB...
  2. J

    GPU UPGRADE... Aussie Prices Suck...

    I really want to stick with Nvidia, from what I've seen the 3gb can hit 1080p 60 especially with Nvidia Optimization it's really future proofing and I'll aim for the 6gb
  3. J

    GPU UPGRADE... Aussie Prices Suck...

    Soooo I am in Australia and GPU prices are ridiculous and a 3gb 1060 cost about $350 (260 us at the moment) is 3gb or save a bit longer and get 6gb? I'm would also like to stick with Nvidia but any suggestions Specs: I3 6100 8gb ram 2 TB HDD 120 SSD Boot ASROCK H110m Corsair 500w 750 ti OC
  4. J

    WTF!! Why does underclocking my GPU help frame rates?

    Airflow is all G.. Cpu holds around 55 C (celsius or 130 F) Gpu has an 80 C degree temp priority and full power and the fan is set to auto now and sits around 25 C idel and 60 C load.
  5. J

    WTF!! Why does underclocking my GPU help frame rates?

    Why in the World does underclocking my 750 ti by 130 mgz help with fps in my games?? My Vram is overclocked 400 MGz and fan speed is at 5000 rpm... What is going on..
  6. J

    What to Upgrade??!?!

    [No message]
  7. J

    What to Upgrade??!?!

    ok, is it possible you could explain why?
  8. J

    What to Upgrade??!?!

    Hi, I'm currently running an old build from back in 2014: CPU: FX 6100 OC 4.0GHZ GPU: 750 Ti 2GB RAM: Kingston Basic 8GB PSU: Corsair 500w 1x 2.5' SDD and 2x 3.5' HDD This build is not cutting it anymore, lag in nearly every game. I have to play in adaptive v-sync 30 fps lock to play smoothly...