Recent content by jakubwandas1

  1. J

    Question i7 8086K 24/7 OC

    I cant seem to find a good spot for my i7 8086k at 5GHz, Vcore @44, stress test usually bluescreens between 1-5min aida64. I have tried 5GHz, AVX 0 offset, 1.280-1.3v, Level 5 and 6 and im getting blue screens or high temps to 88C and bluescreens, also i have set the AVX offset from 1-3 on all...
  2. J

    Question i7 8086K 24/7 OC

    Would you be able to help me or provide some information on what to set in the bios and what software to test it on also what temps should i be looking for and avoiding, i have read that people get 5GHz on 1.23-1.25v LLC 5 and some cant get it to 5GHz on 1.3-1.39v LLC 6
  3. J

    Question i7 8086K 24/7 OC

    Hi i want to OC my i7 8086k to 5GHz. I need advice if its safe to do it on a non delided cpu. I have never oc cpus so im not familiar to high temps so i need to know what would be a limit and what would be the sweet spot. Im currently running stock at 50C while gaming with a 240mm Corsair AIO...
  4. J

    [SOLVED] PSU Extreme High Voltages

    I thought it was bugged because if that was true my pc would of melted with my house getting blown out, i have updated everything software that controls the pc and the icue is giving me 230v power in and other v and W as normal, but only my gpu considers me, when its in full load it gets to 64°C...
  5. J

    [SOLVED] PSU Extreme High Voltages

    My pc is a I7 8086k stock H100i PRO AIO Cooler TridentZ rgb 2x8gb ddr4 3000mhz Asus z370-f Asus gtx 1080 Corsair hx1000i It says the exact thing on hwmonitor and on hwinfo, the temps and voltages on mobo and cpu are normal on idle and full load but only the psu is drawing this much voltages and...
  6. J

    [SOLVED] PSU Extreme High Voltages

    Hi, please help, I only updated BIOS and set XMP in the bios to match my RAM and this is what the PSU is drawing even now when i disable XMP it still says that and my pc is getting really hot, its a corsair hx1000i View:
  7. J

    Type C PCIe internal header

    Hi, I just bought all of the parts for my new rig and I just found out that my case has a type c front IO port (Corsair X570) but my motherboard doesnt have a header for it (Strix Z370-F) is there a PCIe card that has an internal type c header?
  8. J

    ATX Motherboard/Case Compatibility

    Hi, I am planning on building my second pc and I am wondering if the MOBO will fit in the Case. The Case can take up to 272mm ATX and the MOBO is 30.5 cm x 24.4 cm, I am not sure if the 272mm is the length or the height. DON'T ROAST ME :D Case...